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I. Phon etics (5 points ) Directi ons:

In each of the follow ing

groups of words, there, are four

underlined letters or lettercombinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the un derl ined

parts and ide ntify

the one thatis differe nt from the others

in pronun ciati on. Mark your an swer by blacke ning the corres-p onding letter on the An swer Sheet.

1题单选 选出下面读音不同的选项 ()。

A. rural B. ugly C. product D. u ncle 参考答案:A

2题单选 选出下面读音不同的选项 ()。

A. flower B. how C. shower D. Slow 参考答案:D

3题单选 选出下面读音不同的选项


A. cough B. ghost C. eno ugh D. 1aughter 参考答案:B

4题单选 选出下面读音不同的选项 A. disturb B. absorb C. climb D. Rob 参考答案:C


5题单选 选出下面读音不同的选项 A. heat B. feather C. deadli ne D. Measure 参考答案:A


II. Vocabulary and Structure( 15 points)

Directi on s:There are 15 in complete senten ces in this secti on. For each sentence there are fourchoices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one an swer that best completes the sentence an dblacke n the corresp onding letter on the An swer Sheet.

6 题单选 These are the pictures of the hotel __________ we held our annual meet in gs.

A. that B. whe n C. which D. where 参考答案:D

7 题单选 I won der if there is _____________ uni versity A. a B. a n C. / D. the 参考答案:A

8 题单选 On ly in my thirties ________ a purpose in life. A. I fou nd B. fou nd I C」did find D.did I find 参考答案:D

9 题单选 ___________ his telephone number , she didn in touch with him.

A. Forgett ing

in your hometow n.

t know how to get


B. To forget

C. To have forgotte n D. Hav ing forgotte n 参考答案:D

10 题单选 My aunt ' s bus in ess has bee n doing poorly , but she ' s hop ing that her _________ will cha nge.

A. duty B. fame C. luck D. emotio n 参考答案:C

11 题单选 Who should be responsible __________ the accident? A. with B. for C. of D. at 参考答案:B

12 题单选 It is __________ that text messag ing while driv ing is dan gerous.

A. n ecessary B. sufficie nt C. obvious

D. sig nifica nt 参考答案:C

13 题单选 My secretary usually ope ns my post ________ it private . A. u nless B. if C. as D. for 参考答案:A

s marked

14 题单选 Several no vels by Mo Yan _________ into En glish so far. A. are tran slated B. have bee n tran slated C. were tran slated D. had bee n tran slated 参考答案:B 15 题单选 The pianist the con cert.

A. turn off B. turn on C. tur n out D. turn up 参考答案:D

didn ' t __________ until the last minute before




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