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ond servo-systems and distributors, compression ratios and camshafts.

Theoretically the marriage of an old seat of learning and tradition with a new and wealthy industry might be expected to produce some interesting children. It might have been thought that the culture of the university would radiate out and transform the lives of the workers. That this has not happened may be the fault of the university, for at both Oxford and Cambridge the colleges tend to live in an era which is certainly not of the twentieth century, and upon a planet which bears little resemblance to the war-torn Earth. Wherever the fault may lie the fact remains that it is the theatre at Oxford and not at Cambridge which is on the verge of extinction, and the only fruit of the combination of industry and the rarefied atmosphere of learning is the dust in the streets, and a pathetic sense of being lost which hangs over some of the colleges. L14 How to Grow Old

L15 The Consumer Social and the Law

When anyone opens a current account at a bank, he is lending the bank money, repayment of which he may demand at any time, either in cash or by drawing a cheque in favour of another person. Primarily, the banker-customer relationship is that of debtor and creditor--who is which depending on whether the customer's account is in credit or is overdrawn. But, in addition to that basically simple concept, the bank and its customer owe a large number of obligations to one another. Many of these obligations can give rise to problems and complications but a bank customer, unlike, say, a buyer of goods, cannot complain that the law is loaded against him. The bank must obey its customer's instructions, and not those of anyone else. When, for example, a customer first opens an account, he instructs the bank to debit his account only in respect of cheques drawn by himself.He gives the bank specimens of his signature, and there is a very firm rule that the bank has no right or authority to pay out a customer's money on a cheque on which its customer's signature has been forged.It makes no difference that the forgery may have been a very skilful one: the bank must recognize its customer's signature. For this reason there is no risk to the customer in the modern practice, adoptedby some banks, of printing the customer's name on his cheques. If this facilitates forgery it is the bank which will lose, not the customer.

L16 The Search for the Earth’s Minerals

The deepest holes of all are made for oil,and they go down to as much as 25,000 feet. But we do not need to send men down to get the oil out, as we must with other mineral deposits. The holes are only borings, less than a foot in diameter. My particular experience is largely in oil, and the search for oil has done more to improve deep drilling than any other mining activity. When it has been decided where we are going to drill, we put up at the surface an oil derrick. It has to be tall because it is like a giant block and tackle, and we have to lower into the ground and haul out of th. ground great lengths of drill pipe which are rotated by an engine at the top and are fitted with a cutting bit at the bottom.

The geologist needs to know what rocks the drill has reached, so e

very so often a sample is obtained with a coring bit. It cuts a clean cylinder of rock, from which can be seen he strata the drill has been cutting through. Once we get down to the oil,it usually flows to the surface because great pressure, either from gas or water,is pushing it. This pressure must be under control,and we control it by means of the mud which we circulate down the drill pipe. We endeavour to avoid the old, romantic idea of a gusher, which wastes oil and gas. We want it to stay down the hole until we can lead it off in a controlled manner. L17 Learning to Live

The fact that we are not sure what 'intelligence' is, nor what is passed on, does not prevent us from finding it a very useful working concept, and placing a certain amount of reliance on tests which 'measure' it.

In an intelligence test we take a sample of an individual's ability to solve puzzles and problems of various kinds, and if we have taken a representative sample it will allow us to predict successfully the level of performance he will reach in a wide variety of occupations . This became of particular importance when, as a result of the 1944 Education Act, secondary schooling for all became law, and grammar schools, with the exception of a small number of independent foundation schools, became available to the whole population. Since the number of grammar schools in the countrycould accommodate at most approximately 25 per cent of the total child population of eleven-plus, some kind of selection had to be made. Narrowly academic examinations and tests were felt, quite rightly, to be heavily weighted in favour of children who had had the advantage of highly-academic primary schools and academically biased homes. Intelligence tests were devised to counteract this narrow specialization, by introducing problems which were not based on specifically scholastically-acquired knowledge. The intelligence test is an attempt to assess the general ability of any child to think, reason, judge, analyse and syntiesize by presenting him with situations, both verbal and practical, which arewithin his range of competence and understanding.

Lesson 12 The Language of Hollywood to compensate sb. for his loss to compensate for sth. 弥补 financial compensation 经济补

to compensate for his loss financially用经济手段补偿

impressiveness n. 感染力,令人难忘 impress v. 印象

impression n. impressive a. impressionable a. The movie is impressive.

He is impressionable. 情绪化的

impressionable age 易受影响的年龄

give sb. an impression/be under an impression 都带假象,turns out to be xxx

leave sb. an impression 真的是

grandiose a. 浮夸的;壮观的

pretentious a. 做作


show 表演,炫耀 ostentatious 做作的,爱表现的 mask vt.


gas mask 防毒面具 a mask ball 化妆舞会

mask my real intention of going on an outing. 掩饰了我真正的郊


mask pill conceal 掩盖(企图等抽象事物) hide and seek 捉迷藏

shield 盾 veil 面纱;掩盖,隐藏 screen 屏幕;遮盖,隐藏 riot police 防暴警察 triviality n. 琐事,细节 trivial a.琐碎的

humanity credibility n. 可信性

credible 可信的 incredible 不可信的 creduious 轻信的 believable 可信的 eatable=edible 后者是拉丁构词

motivation n. 激发力

motivate v. 激发

The intrest in english motivates me to learn it. Intrest is


drive/spur激发/stimulate刺激 needless to say


doubt/question without doubt past question

undoubtedly disgraceful a. 不光彩的,丢人的

grace n. 优雅

graceful a. 优雅的

信达雅 graceful 雅 censorship n. 审查 census predetermine vt.预先规定


prelaw a. 法律预科的 entertainment n. 娱

The movie entertains me.=The movie is an entertainment.=The movie is so entertaining.

entertain you lavishly burden n. 负担 drag 累赘

hollow a. 空洞的

hollow-headed 没知识

=hollow-hearted hallow 神圣的 banal a. 平庸的 cliche 陈词滥调,a. 平庸的 stale 陈旧的,平庸的 corny 陈腐的 hackney 破旧的,陈腐的



inner 内在的 emptiness 空洞

the characteristic of

特色是……(无特色句) =What charcterizes… 特色恰恰

是。。。(强调) critical essay

This is compensated for... 被弥补 impressiveness 浮华 usually takes the form of 经常以什么形式出现 appear in the

form of: 以这种形式出现 truly 表示真的

grandiose a. 浮夸

His works usually

take the form of poetry.

Nothing is spared.= no effort is spared 用尽一切,不遗余力的

spared 剩下

to make the setting 表目的 setting 布景

costume 戏服

costume play 古装戏 surface details 表面的细节

essential=inner 本质的,内在的

characterization 刻画,描

absurdity 荒谬 triviality 细节

unperson 僵化的人 humanity 人性 credibility 可信度

motivation 激情

censorship 审查制度 code=rule 规则,法规 is an

important factor 很重要的一个因素 infamours notorious disgraceful 臭名昭著的 nor 否定并列

It isn't too heavey...to... 不是一个太重的负担,而不能够承受 at times=sometimes 有时候

childish 幼稚的 bannal 平庸的 hollow 空洞的 representation 体现 when 状语从句

of what human import=what human import is...of……be of 结构 All this skill,all this effort,all this energy...is of what human import...?


import 这里是重要性的意思 human import 人类的重要性 =How important is all this skill,all this effort,all this energy...to human... L13 Thames Waters

in character 本质上 ruthlessly 无情地 hither an thither 来来往往 throng 挤满 era 时代 transform 改变 make up for 弥补 endowments n. 才能

resemblance 相似 verge 边缘 pathetic 可怜的 Thames 泰晤士河 Oxford 牛津城

cattle n. 牛 calf n. 小牛,牛犊

Dallas Mavericks 达拉斯小牛队 cow n. 奶牛 ox n. 斗

牛,公牛 太监牛

Cambridge 剑桥城 destroy v. 破坏(具体意思) ruin 毁

坏(名声,名誉,抽象意义) the scandal ruins... over smoking ruins my health.

I'm ruined.=I'm down and out.=I'm down fall.=I'm broke. ruth n. 怜悯,同情 sympathize v. 同情 ruthful a. 有同情心的 mercy n. 怜悯 merciless 无情的,残忍的

marble-hearted flinty-hearted 无情的 heartless

benefaction n.

为教堂的捐款 beneficiary 受益人 benefactor 施主

donation n. 捐款 donator 捐款者

endowment n.为研究、学校的捐款/上天捐给你的才能,智慧 I'm endowed with courage. 我浑身是胆。 gift,talent 天赋,资质 I have a gift(talent) for... make up for 其他手段 make up for the test 补考 I will do a make up. 我要去补考。

compensate v. 经济手段 nature 本质 essential/in character suffer 经受 I suffer a cold.

suffer from=have\\catch


强调痛苦 shake to

随着...而振动 The building shakes to roaring wind.

to,with,from 表原因

I'm tired from standing. roar n.轰鸣,吼叫,怒号; vi. 吼叫,


The man roared the boy into silence. The man looked the boy into silence. shift 轮班职工

I'm on day/night shift.. export 出口

import 进口

lumber 隆隆地前进 loads of 大批(车辆) show of 一群


hither an thither=here and there throng v. 挤满 distributor 配

电盘 camshaft 凸轴轮

seat 中心 Beijing is the seat of China. hub n. 中心 heart

n. centre trans- 越过去,穿越 transpacific a. 横渡太平洋的,太平洋彼岸的

translate v. 翻译 transport v. 运输transplant v. 移植,移种

change (部分)改变transform 完全改变

Wealth transforms his character(nature). epoch 时代 epoch breaking 划时代的 era/age

new era 新时代

usher in the new era 走

进新时代 usher 领进 resemble v. 相似

He takes close/strong resemblance to his dad. theatre 教坛,教室。 meter=metre

verge 边缘(抽象) He is on the verge of disaster. 大难临头 brim n. 边,轮缘 the brim of a cup/hat

brink n. (水的)边

缘; cliff n. 悬崖,绝壁 the edge of knife 刀刃

margin n. 页面的空白/水周围的边缘 Water margins 水浒传

fringe n. 边缘 extinct v.

rarefied a. 高雅的;稀薄的 rarefy v. 稀薄,稀少 rarefied fashion; rarefied style; rarefied taste 高雅的... pathetic

可怜的 sympathetic a. 有同情心的 (想人所想) pity n. pitiable 可怜的

lamentable a. 可悲的 deplore v. 表

示悲痛 deplorable 可怜的 The peace which Oxford once knew...拟人用法拟人 personification There is/are great changes in our family.

=My family experienced/witnessed/saw so many changes in the past 20 years. The peace...has been swept...

should always have... 注重加重语气 swept away 扫掉了 The harmony in my family is swept away. in character 本质上

academic to commercialized Industrial Revolution 工业革

courts=classrooms/teaching area

shake to...随着。。。振动而摇摇欲坠 I woke up to a large sound noise.

taking the next shift-school bus

lumber 轰轰


loads of motor-engines 大批内燃机引擎

are hurried 表状态


population 一般不可数 knows no studies 什么都不懂,对学业一无所知 follow the crowd 走风潮,随大众 doomsday 末日

theoretically 理论上而言 an old seat of learning and tradition 学术和传统的中心

old-new tradtion--wealthy might be expected to...虚拟语气 some interesting children

driving force 推动力

That one hundred flowers are blossomed. 百花齐放 It might

have been thought that... 虚拟语气,表明事实正好相反

It 形式主语指that从句

radiate out 辐射:spread;that is everyone can be one. That is everyone possibly can be trained/educated. transform the lives of the workers 彻底改变工人的生活

That...引导从句;this has not happened 作主语

may be the fault of the university 或许是大学的失误 tend to 身不由己

which the certainly not (era) of the 20th


and (live) upon a planet which... bear 拥有 little resemblance (几乎不)相似

war-torn 饱受战争折磨 poverty-hit area 贫民区

ideal理想状态 far from reality 脱离现实 Utopia n. 乌托邦,理想的完美境界

get down to the roots; so far away from me the fact remains that

it is the theatre at which...强调句型

which 古式用法,It is...that is... on the

verge of extinction 处于灭绝的边缘 disaster/collapse/bankruptcy/death/despair

I was on the verge of despair.

and... the only fruit of...唯一的果实

the dust in the streets 街上的灰尘 反语,表讽刺 and a pathetic sense of...一种可悲的感觉 hangs over 弥漫,悬挂 L14

How to Grow Old oppress vt. 忧郁,压抑

depressed in low/high spirits

I'm a little down. feel blue justification n. 正当理由 reason-whyYou have the justification to beat back justifiably ad. 无可非议的

resonable/unquestionable/unmistakable/explicable cheat sb.

out of money 骗某人的钱 cheat in test deceive 欺骗情感

hoax=play trick 玩笑性质的欺骗 abject a. 可怜的,下贱的,卑

鄙的 pathetic 可怜

ignoble a. 不体面的,可耻的,卑鄙=disgraceful=infamous impersonal a. 超越个人感情影响的 impersonal interest 广泛的爱好

impersonal verb 无主动词:It is raining hard.

ego n. 自我

egoism 个人主义

altruism 利他

主义 ego-trip 利己行为 egocentric a. 自我中心者的 recede

vi. 退去

retreat 撤退

the economy recedes bit by bit 渐渐地=little by little increasingly ad. 日益,不断 I am increasingly


merge vi.融合 merger n. 兼并 merge oneself into the mass 打成一片 The beams merge into darkness.落日的余晖融入黑暗

passionately ad. 激昂的 dispassionate fervent/ardent 炙热的,热情洋溢的 visible a. 易觉察的

vision n. visual a.

visible to the naked eyes 可以被肉

眼看到的 invisible man 隐形人 visibility 能见度 painlessly ad. 毫无痛苦地 do sth.

painlessly 不费吹灰之力 effortless/trouble free

painstaking a.


waterfall n. 瀑布 She wears waterfall. 她有着披肩长发。 vitality n. 精力 vigor 精力,活力

animation 活泼,又生气

weariness n. 疲惫感 worn out a. 疲倦的=dog-tired/fatigued/drained 课文注释5星级

killed in battle/in action 在战争中阵亡 battle 前不加定冠词

bitter 心情压抑,痛苦=painful in the thought 一想到


at the thought/idea/mention/sight of 一...到

cheat of 剥夺 rob of/divest of/deprive sb. of sth.

joys and sorrows/ups and downs/thick and thin 人生的酸甜苦辣 in him to do:对他而言,在他看来 in him 插入语

waters 水域

L 17 The Consumer Society and the Law

intelligence n. 智力 intelligent a. cute/smart intellectual a. 智力的 n. 知识分子

Man are intellectually superior to animals. pass on 衡量 He passes on. 他去世了

=judge to pass on

one's intelligence pass away;die pass for:被认为,不能用被动只能用主动

reliance n. 依赖,依靠


rely on


relies on his parents. parasite 寄生虫 reliant reliable

self-reliant 自力更生的=self-dependent

working a. 起作用的 pill 药丸 dose 剂 The pill dose/works 有功效的 efficient 人效率高 effective 指物有效果的 a wide variety of 各种各样的 variety various样式很多的,不同的 variant变化的 variation 变化 very colored/formed 五颜六色的/各种形状的 multi-

multifunctional a.多功能

multinational 多国的

as a result of 由于...结果 consequence n. 结果 in result 后面

一定不用of He performed well,in result he got a pay rise. in consequence ad.结果

act n. 法案pass/bill/motion an act pay bills 帐单 act 幕

Today we got an act of god.倒霉。 He always put on an act.


foundation n. 基金 foundation school教会学校 Peking

Normal university 北京师大


available a. 可用的 Is water available? 有水喝吗? Are you available for a chat/party? 你有空吗? Is your bicycle available? avail I avail myself of this opportunity to apply for this vacancy. avail myself of 利用...机会 make use of take an advantage of accomodate vt. 容纳 This hall can accomodate 600 people. accomodate oneself to 适应 accommodating a. 非常友善,乐于助人 accommodation n. 住所,英语用单数,美语用复数

boarding and lodging 食宿

at most 顶多 counteract vt. 抵消 counterclockwise 逆时针转

counterintelligence n. 反情报,反间谍 counterrevolution

n.反革命 neutralize a. 中和 specialzation n. 专门化

specialize speciality major I

specialize in chemistry.

synthesize vt. 综合 syndrome 并发症,综合症 synchronize v. 同步

verbal a. 文字的

competence n. 能力 competent a. 胜任的 imcompetent a. 没

有能力的 performance 实际的行为 New words and expressions intelligence 智力

intelligent cute intellectual a.智力的 n.知识分子 pass on 衡量

(1)He passes on(=pass away=die)委婉语

(2)衡量judge:to pass on 如:to pass on one's intelligence (3)pass for 被认为 不能用被动,只能用主动 (4)pass 过了 pass grade reliance 信赖,依靠

(1)rely=depend He relies on his parents.(parasite:寄生虫)(drag:负担)

(2)reliant reliable值得信赖的 self-reliant自力更生(=self-dependent) working 起作用的

pill:药丸 dose:剂 Dose is working. efficient:指人效率很高,做事麻利effective有效果的 The pill does.

a wide variety 各种各样

a wide variety of goods . various variant:变化的variantion变化 very colored/formed

mult- multifunctional multinational multilateral talks bilateral:双边会谈

as a result of 由于…结果

As a result of his good performance, he got pay rise. Pay cut 减薪 consequence in result后面一定不能出现of

He performed well; in result he got a pay rise. in consequence act 法案

pass bill motion pay bills act:第1幕 ,第1场 Today we got an act of got. He always put on an act.摆谱

foundation 基金 Peking Normal University 北京师范大学 missionary available 可用的

Is water available? 有水喝吗? Are you available? Are you available for a chat? Is your bicycle available?

avail I avail myself of this opportunity to apply for this vacancy. avail myself of 利用…的机会 make use of ;take advantage of accommodate 容纳

The hall can accommodate 600 people. accommodate oneself to 适应

accommodating accommodation:住所 boarding and lodging at most 最多 at least counteract 抵消

counteractclockwise逆时针转counterintelligence反情报 counterrevolution neutralize act against

specialization 专门化

specialize speciality major

I specialize in chemistry. specialization 专业化

synthesize 综合 sympathy syndrome 并发症 synchronize同步分 verbal 文字的 oral 口头 verbal expression ;oral expression competence 能力

competent incompetent没有能力的 performance 实际的行为 Notes on the text

British education system 第1段只有一句话 主语-the fact 谓语-does not prevent us 同位语

从句 nor:否定连接 passed on:衡量 useful ,working两个词相近 placing 和finding 并列

place….on….放置…..在上面=put reliance依赖 引号里表示抽象的东西 superior inferior

even though we are not sure ….is,

nor what is passed on….,and placing…文中更为高级 even though he stole,I find him a kind hearted man.

The fact that he stole,does not prevent me from finding him a kind hearted man.


sample:样品,受试者 subjects puzzle 拼字游戏

of various kinds- various kinds of puzzles and problems ability toability in 后面跟名词 ability to:不定式

photograph He has ability to take a photos. ability in photography

have taken 主句是将来时 一般都用if we take 第一个动词:take 第二个动词:allow


if I master English,I will go abroad. I have master…… predict:预测

he will reach—后置定语 occupation:职业 representative

make full use of his ability 人尽其才 potential

it will allow us :我们就会,我们能够 it—test 客观性 we can—主体在\我\,主观性强 科普性文章一般用passive

We can obtain the results. The results are obtained. became of became:系动词 be of importance secondary schooling 中学教育 谓语:became available except 主题一定是围绕\开始

secondary schooling :12-18岁 higher education:19-23 岁 elementary high school:junior high school, senior high school nine year compulsory education high tax all free

compulsory courses :必修课 optional/selective courses grammar schools:文法学校 technical schools:技校 since:由于 accommodate:容纳 approximately:about test eleven-plus:11岁以上 selection:选拔制度 Narrowly:狭隘的 academic—只侧重书面考试 quite rightly:有理由认为 heavily weighted

highly-academic 高度学术性的学校 test oriented 应试教育 academically biased homes biased:偏 侧重于

scholal:学者 ,学术 scholastically biased homes :书香门第 My mom is biased toward my sister. were felt to be :被人们感觉到

The weather is felt to be uncomfortable.强调感受 intelligence testsdevised :被设计 specialization:专业化 intelligence tests 侧重 universal ability 应试的方向问题 assess:评估的意思general ability:综合能力 random:随意 progressive:递进 gravity 重力

think:思想-----reason:推理-----judge:判断-----analyse:分析-----synthesize:综合 更侧重于practical

连缀,两个以上如果做名词修饰,可以置后 连缀词可以做后置定语

complementary:互补 question:质问 西方教育强调free talk 第1段做为重点

ability to solve puzzles and problems of various kinds have taken it will allow us

This became of particular importance 系表结构+of结构 grammar school became available to eleven-plus

were felt…...to be heavily weighted in favour of …… highly-academic academically biased

scholastically-acquired think,reason,judge,analyse,synthesize

Lesson 18 The Social Foundation of Science

Two factors weigh heavily against the effectiveness of scientific in industry. One is the general atmosphere of secrecy in which it is carried out, the other the lack of freedom of the individual research worker. In so far as any inquiry is a secret one, it naturally limits all those engaged in carrying it out from effective contact with their fellow scientists either in other countries or in universities, or even , often enough , in other departments of the same firm. The degree of secrecy naturally varies considerably. Some of the bigger firms are engaged in researches which are of such general and fundamental nature that it is a positive advantage to them not to keep them secret. Yet a great many processes depending on such research are sought for with complete secrecy until the stage at which patents can be taken out. Even more processes are never patented at all but kept as secret processes. This applies particularly to chemical industries, where chance discoveries play a much larger part than they do in physical and mechanical industries. Sometimes the secrecy goes to such an extent that the whole nature of the research cannot be mentioned. Many firms, for instance, have great difficulty in obtaining technical or scientific books from libraries because they are unwilling to have their names entered as having taken out such and such a book for fear the agents of other firms should be able to trace the kind of research they are likely to be undertaking. New words and expressions weigh 起作用

igh 100 pounds. I am 100 pounds in weight. How much do you weight?

much.这相当重要=matters in favor of load in favor of ghed against load/be loaded against plaintiff

) efficient高效的 effect:come into effect, take effect (1) 称重:I we What is your weight? (2)起作用:It weighs

(3)对谁有利: weigh in favor of be weighed be loaded in favor of (4)对谁不利:be wei

The jugement weighs in favor of the defendant.(被告) 原告: effectiveness 成效 work.,effective(有效果的 in so far as 因此

since, in that, as for as sb, is concerned 赞成:agree ,support ,stant by your side inquiry 调查研究 investigation(case)

examination(有症结所在作为前提) check(不清楚有无毛病)


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