TELAP(SET FIVE) 5TEST 第 1 页 共 11 页 Part I Listening Section I
Directions: In this part you will hear ten ATC clearances\\instructions or statements, each ATC clearances\\instructions or statements will be spoken only once. A question will be asked after each ATC clearances\\instructions or statements, there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard . 1. Danair 802, we are bound for Rimini, what is the delay like? Question: What happened to 802?
a. The departure is delayed. b. The approach is delayed. c. The loading is delayed. d. The passengers are delayed. Answer: a
2. JAL 728, we have a passenger on board with severe asthma. Request priority landing to your airport. Question: What does the crew likely need after the plane has landed?
a. fire engine b. first aid c. a tug
d. catering service answer: b
3. KLM 435, we have a low oil pressure light on, request a tug to get us back to the stand. Question: Which system do you think is faulty?
a. fuel system b. control system c. hydraulic system
d. air conditioning system answer: c
4. Southern 109, taxi to alpha 11, caution on approaching your stand, there is no marshaller available due to ground staff strike. Question: What happened?
a. An aircraft struck a marshaller.
b. The pilot should pay attention to the marshaller when taxiing. c. No one will guide the aircraft to the stand. d. The stand is not available. Answer; c
5. Northern 151, negative to startup. We had an emergency this morning. The runway had been foamed. It is being cleaned up at the moment. Should be reopened shortly. Question: Why is startup delayed?
a. Northern 151 had an emergency. b. The runway was too dirty.
c. The foam on the plane had to be cleaned up. d. The runway was not opened. Answer: d
6. Tower, gulf air 334, would you please turn up the approach lights due visibility?
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TELAP(SET FIVE) 5TEST 第 2 页 共 11 页
Question: What is the visibility like?
a. Very good. b. Very bad. c. Not bad. d. Not so good. Answer: d
7. G-BC, we’ve just been struck by lightening and we’ll have to go back to the apron to check our electrics and make sure there is no damage on the airframe. Question: What will the crew do?
a. Check the lighting system b. Make sure the systems are ok. c. Make sure if anyone is struck.
d. Make sure airframe is not electrified. Answer: b
8. Eastern 546, air bus 300, green system fails due system leakage. I am not sure whether I can extend my landing gear. Request emergency assistance when landing.
Question: Why does the pilot ask for the emergency assistance on landing?
a. He believes the landing gear can be extended. b. He sees a green light on. c. There is a system failure. d. A fuel leakage occurs. Answer: c
9. Eastern 554, turn right heading 350, R30 route unavailable due military operation, call you back. Question: Why did the controller ask the pilot to change the heading?
a. Due unavailable operation. b. Planned route unavailable c. Due special flight. d. Due air force flight.
Answer: d
10. KLM 543, negative to startup. There are some water drops dripping from the overhead electronics panel. No idea where they are from. We need a check. Question: Why does the pilot report they can not startup?
a. There might be some unknown problems. b. The overhead panel drops.
c. The water drainage valve needs checking. d. He can not drink water in the cockpit. Answer: a Section II
Directions: In this part you will hear five RTF exchanges between pilots and air traffic controllers, each exchange will be spoken only once. A question will be asked after each exchange, there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard .
1. P: Ground, SAS 996, we’ve just skidded off taxiway C and we can’t seem to get back on to the paving. Left gear appears to be stuck in the mud. Can you send a tug around?
C: SAS 996, standby, ground handling say there’ll be no available tug until 1115.
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TELAP(SET FIVE) 5TEST 第 3 页 共 11 页
Question: Why does the pilot need a tug?
a. Taxiway C is too slippery. b. There is too much mud on the paving. c. The aircraft can not get out of the mud. d. The aircraft can not taxi to the runway without a tug. Answer: c
2. P: UAL 853, engine NO. 3 is overheating, probably due to bird ingestion on takeoff. Request priority landing at runway 36 right.
C: UAL 853, runway 36 right in use. You are number 1. Question: What do you think will probably happen next?
a. Overheat light might extinguish. b. They might go around. c. They might encounter a bird strike. d. None of the above. Answer: d
3. C: Air China 102, runway heading until 500 feet, turn left to Charlie mike, surface wind 330, 8 meters per second, cleared for take off.
P: left turn, cleared for takeoff, Air China 102.
C: Air China 102, cancel, I say again, cancel takeoff, vehicle crossing runway. Question: What happens?
a. The pilot is not cleared. b. Takeoff conditions are not satisfied. c. Takeoff is cancelled. d. The aircraft is crossing the runway, Answer: c
4. C: CN 307 for identification, turn right heading 165. P: Right 165, CN 307.
C: CN 307 identified 10 miles northwest of CH fly heading 190, P: 190, roger, 307.
Question: What is the controller trying to do?
a. to find the 307 on radar. b. to tell 307 where to fly. c. to correct 307’s wrong heading. d. to get 307 back to right heading. Answer: a
5. C: CSN 303, unknown traffic 10 o’clock 10 miles crossing left to right, fast moving. P: Negative contact, request vectors. Question: What happened to the pilot?
a. He cannot contact the other aircraft’s frequency. b. He cannot contact the controller c. He can not see the other aircraft. d. He doesn’t know where he is. Answer: c
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TELAP(SET FIVE) 5TEST 第 4 页 共 11 页 Section III Directions: In this section you will hear two passages. each passage will be spoken only once. After each passage five questions will be asked, for each question there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard . Passage I
During preflight planning, the surface aviation weather report allows you to evaluate the existing conditions and the accuracy of forecasts. You do this by comparing current reports with the forecast weather for the same time period to see if the weather is materializing as forecast. You can also review several previous reports to get a general idea of the weather trend. A current report also indicates weather your destination is presently above VFR or IFR minimums, as appropriate. If it is not and the forecast calls for only slight improvement by your estimated time of arrival, the destination weather may not permit you to land. The surface report also is important at airports without a control tower or flight services station, since the last surface observation is the latest official weather available at the location.
The following questions are based on the passage you have just heard.
1. How can a pilot have a general idea of the weather trend? a. Review several previous reports. b. Compare the current reports with the previous ones. c. Check with the controler. d. Both of a or b. Answer: d
2. According to the passage, what can you learn from the current report? a. The destination’s IFR minimums. b. The destination’s VFR minimums. c. The landing minimums. d. All of above. Answer: c
3. Why is the surface report important at the airports without ATC services? a. It is the only official report available. b. It is the latest surface observation. c. There is no control tower there. d. ATC will not provide the service. Answer: a
4. What can you do with the surface aviation weather report? a. To know the existing conditions. b. To consider the accuracy of the forecasts. c. Both of a and b. d. None of above. Answer: c
5. What do you think is the best title for this passage? a. The importance of knowing the minimums. b. How to evaluate the weather trend. c. What you can do at airport without ATC services. d. The importance of weather reports to flight planning Answer: d Passage II
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TELAP(SET FIVE) 5TEST 第 5 页 共 11 页
Decision-making is the process of determining and carrying out a course of action and evaluating the result. Flying is a combination of events, which requires pilots to make a continuous stream of decisions. It is especially needed when we find that something has changed or that an expected change did not occur. The decision making process is shaped by type of problem, degree of threat, time available and resources. During any job there are many opportunities for decision making, ranging from simple to complex, and from short-term to long-term. Experience plays a large part in our decision making process by make us more able to define possible treats and generate a safe course of action. The decision making process also includes the ability to handle errors that we may or may not have experience handling. The following questions are based on the passage you have just heard.
1. According to the passage what is decision making? a. Determining b. Carrying out the action c. Evaluating the outcome. d. All of above. Answer: d
2. In what way can the experience play a large part in our decision making process? a. It enhances our ability to handle decision-making. b. We will not make errors. c. You can’t handle decision making without experience. d. We always learn from the experience.
Answer: a
3. What can you conclude from this passage? a. Experience is the precondition of decision making. b. Decision making only occurs in flying. c. Making right decision is important. d. Decision making only occurs in cockpit. Answer: c
4. According to the passage why do we have to make decisions? a. Things are changing. b. We can learn experience in making decisions. c. We can get more opportunities in any job. d. Nothing changes. Answer: a
5. What should be the title of the passage? a. Decision making makes experience b. Experience’s importance in decision making c. Handling errors in decision making d. None of above Answer: d Section IV
Directions: In this section there are some ATC clearances\\instructions or pilot’s reports\\requests. These above words are spoken only once. In each spoken part some words are missing. Listen carefully and fill the blanks with what you have just heard.
1. GIA 152 radar contact 43 miles. Descent to ____ for Runway 05, reduce speed to ______.
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