VSD 持续负压吸引技术在重度蛇咬伤治疗中的应用
【期刊名称】《医药前沿》 【年(卷),期】2012(000)029
【摘要】 目的探讨在蛇咬伤病人中使用 VSD 负压持续引流的可行性。方法回顾性分析四川省人民医院急诊外科自2011年1月至2012年7月60例蛇咬伤重症病人的临床资料。结果本组60例病人均行蛇咬伤处清创,急诊前臂或小腿切开减压。术后伤口二期缝合54例,植皮6例。全组无一例死亡病例,无一例截肢。无一例切口感染。结论蛇咬伤后急诊行切开减压,VSD 负压持续引流积极有效,简化治疗,感染低,缩短病员住院时间,减少病人痛苦,节约治疗经费,临床治疗效果满意,值得推广。% Objective:Study people in the snake-bite injuries sustained suction drainage with VSD feasibility.Method: Retrospective analysis of emergency surgery from the Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital from January 2011 to July 2011 60 cases of snake bite with severe clinical data. Results: The group of 60 patients underwent snakebite wound debridement, decompression emergency forearm or calf. Suture wound two in 54 cases, skin grafting in 6 cases. There were no cases of deaths, with no amputations. No wound infection. Conclusion: Snake bite emergency line after decompression, VSD continuous negative pressure drainage active and effective, to simplify the treatment, no case of infection, shorter patient hospital stay, reduced patient suffering, saving treatment funding, clinical results were
VSD 持续负压吸引技术在重度蛇咬伤治疗中的应用