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2021届新高考英语二轮复习练习:语言知识运用练(一) (含解析)

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During his freshman year at Columbia University,Sanford Greenberg stood on campus with his classmate Arthur Garfunkel.“Sanford,look at the__1__.You see the colors?The shapes?” Arthur asked.Sanford was__2__,because other guys talked about trips and sports,but Arthur wanted to talk about grass.

Was there a__3__guy on campus than Sanford?Here he was,a poor kid from Buffalo,New York on a full scholarship,taking classes from masters such as physicist Leon Lederman and poet Mark Van Doren.

But in 1960,Sanford's fortunes__4__.He was playing baseball when suddenly he couldn't __5__very clearly.He had to__6__on the grass until his eyesight returned.At first he didn't believe it was anything__7__. But when Sanford went back to Buffalo,__8__there told him he had a very serious eye disease.They operated on his eyes,but he was still going__9__.He was so sad that he__10__to meet anyone from college.

However,Arthur__11__Sanford to go back to study at Columbia.In September 1961,Sanford returned to campus.But he was__12__about getting around alone and depended on Arthur to help him.

Then,one afternoon,Sanford and Arthur went to Manhattan.When it was time to go back to the__13__,Arthur said he had an important meeting and couldn't go with Sanford.They__14__for the first time,and Arthur walked off,leaving Sanford alone.It took Sanford a long time to get back to school.But as he arrived at the university gate,someone almost__15__him. “Sorry,sir.”

Sanford knew the__16__.It was Arthur's.Sanford was angry at first,but then he__17__what Arthur had done.

“It was one of the most__18__ideas,” Sanford said.Arthur,of course,had been__19__me the whole way.

After graduation with greater__20__than others,Sanford got his MBA from Columbia and a Ph.D.from Harvard and went on to become a successful inventor and businessman.

[语篇解读] 桑福德在上大学期间突然患上了严重的眼疾,之后他拒绝见大学的任何人;后来在朋友亚瑟的鼓励下,他重新回到校园学习。但回校后,他不敢独自一人出行,而是依赖亚瑟的帮助。有一次,亚瑟想出了一个主意,让桑福德独自走回学校。结果证明亚瑟的主意很有用。后来桑福德成了一名成功的发明家和商人。

1.A.clouds B.grass C.trees D.baseball

解析:根据下文中的“Arthur wanted to talk about grass”可知,亚瑟想要谈论的是草;据此可知,他让桑福德看草。 答案:B

2.A.excited C.surprised

B.disappointed D.worried



3.A.luckier B.friendlier C.smarter D.kinder



4.A.improved B.remained C.arrived D.changed

解析:根据上文表述的桑福德很幸运和下文表述的桑福德患上了严重的眼疾可推知,此处表示桑福德的命运发生了改变。 答案:D 5.A.hear B.smell C.see D.speak

解析:根据下文中的“until his eyesight returned”可知,在打棒球时,桑福德突然看不清东西了,他只好躺在草地上,直到视力恢复。 答案:C

6.A.lie down B.jump up C.walk away D.run along

解析:参见上题解析。A项意为“躺下”,故A项正确。 答案:A

7.A.difficult B.serious C.new D.usual

解析:根据下文中的but,a very serious eye disease并结合该句中的“At first he didn't believe”可知,开始他认为这不是什么严重的问题。 答案:B

8.A.teachers B.friends C.relatives D.doctors

解析:根据语境并结合常识可知,当桑福德回到布法罗的时候,那里的医生告诉他,他得了一种非常严重的眼疾。 答案:D 9.A.blind C.wrong

B.deaf D.crazy



10.A.planned B.forgot C.refused D.wished

解析:参见上题解析。 答案:C

11.A.reminded C.forced

B.persuaded D.allowed

解析:根据下文中的“Sanford returned to campus”可知,亚瑟说服桑福德重新回到哥伦比亚大学学习。persuade sb.to do sth.为固定用法,意为“说服某人做某事”,故B项正确。 答案:B

12.A.certain B.angry C.nervous D.calm

解析:根据该句中的“depended on Arthur to help him”可知,桑福德虽然重返校园,但由于严重的眼疾,他不敢自己一个人出去,所以他得依赖亚瑟的帮助。C项意为“惶恐的”,故C



13.A.campus C.station

B.hospital D.company

解析:根据语境和下文中的“he arrived at the university gate”可知,一天下午,桑福德和亚瑟去了曼哈顿,当该回校园时,亚瑟却说他有一个重要的会议要参加,不能和桑福德一起回去了。


14.A.agreed C.discussed

B.estimated D.argued

解析:根据该句中的“Arthur walked off,leaving Sanford alone”可知,他们第一次发生争吵,亚瑟愤然离去,留桑福德独自一人。


15.A.shouted at B.knocked down C.looked for D.laughed at

解析:根据下文中的“Sorry,sir.”可推知,在桑福德到校门口时,有人差点把他撞倒。B项意为“撞倒”,故B项正确。 答案:B 16.A.look B.figure C.voice D.gesture

解析:根据上文中的“Sorry,sir.”可知,有人对他说“对不起,先生”;据此可推知,桑福德知道那是亚瑟的声音。 答案:C

17.A.doubted B.realized C.believed D.wondered

解析:根据语境可知,桑福德一开始感到恼怒,但是他随后理解了亚瑟所做的一切。 答案:B

18.A.annoying B.awful C.useless D.brilliant 解析:根据语境和上文中的“Sanford was angry at first,but then he__17__what Arthur had done.”可知,桑福德说亚瑟让他独自回学校是一个绝妙的(brilliant)主意。 答案:D

19.A.misleading B.showing C.guiding D.following

解析:根据语境可知,亚瑟一路跟着桑福德。D项意为“跟着”,故D项正确。A项意为“误导”,C项意为“指引,指导”,都与语境不符。 答案:D

20.A.efforts B.loss C.burden D.failure

解析:根据语境并结合上文描述的桑福德患了严重的眼疾可知,付出了比别人更多的努力之后,桑福德获得了哥伦比亚大学的工商管理学硕士学位、哈佛大学的博士学位,而且成了一位成功的发明家和商人。 答案:A Ⅱ.语法填空 (2020·中原名校第四次质量评估) Digital receipts offer a few improvements over

2021届新高考英语二轮复习练习:语言知识运用练(一) (含解析)


