Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of van der Waals Phase Transition with Maxwellian Area Rule
Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of van der Waals Phase Transition with Maxwellian Area Rule
【期刊名称】《非线性科学与数值模拟通讯:英文版》 【年(卷),期】1996(001)002
【摘要】In this paper phase transition of van der Waals gas is simulated by the Boltzmann Lattice method.Thermodynamics and Maxwellian area rule have been taken into account.With the primary Lattic Boltzmann(LB) method one can study the behavior of the ideal gas,i.e.,the equation of state is given by p=ρε[1,2,3,],By adding a potential termmore sophisticated cases can be studied.If the potential introduced leads to van de Waals equation of state,simulations show the separation of the fluid into domains with different mass densities,as reproted by Qian,Y.H.and Orszag[4].Unfortunately without further modification of their model the two densities coming out in the simulation strongly depend on the average density given initially.Table 1 shows several simulations done by us according to the model of qian and Orszag with grid D2Q9.Fixing the parameter T,we start from density spatial homogeneous equilibrium vlocity distribution with several different initial densities<ρ>.We find that below the critical temperature Tc the homogeneous state is usnstable,domains with two different densities ρ1 and ρ2 appear,but their values for different global average<ρ> are
Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of van der Waals Phase Transition with Maxwellian Area Rule