龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
作者:崔海燕 王红霞 马红红
[摘要] 近年来无创呼吸机的应用范围不断扩大,取得了非常好的临床应用效果。然而在无创呼吸机的使用过程中也可能使患者产生一系列的不良反应,而通过有效的护理措施能够显著降低患者的不良反应发生率。鉴于此该研究将针对无创呼吸机在使用过程中可能出现的问题进行分析,并在此基础上提出有效的护理干预措施。 [关键词] 无创呼吸机;使用;常见问题;护理对策
[中图分类号] R473 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2016)12(a)-0065-03 Common Issues and Nursing Strategies in the Use Course of Noninvasive Ventilators CUI Hai-yan, WANG Hong-xia, MA Hong-hong
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Xilinguole Meng Union Hospital of Inner Mongolia, Xilinhaote,Inner Mangolia,026000 China
[Abstract] In recent years, the application range of noninvasive ventilator is constantly expanding, which obtains a very good clinical application effect, therefore, the noninvasive ventilator may bring a series of adverse reactions in the use course, but the effective nursing measures can obviously reduce the incidence rate of adverse reactions of patients, based on the above, the paper analyzes the potential issues of noninvasive ventilators in the use course and puts forwards the effective nursing intervention measures.
[Key words] Noninvasive ventilators; Use; Common issues; Nursing strategies
1 ;无创呼吸机使用过程中的常见问题 1.1 ;患者易出现焦虑、恐惧等心理状态