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Unit 2

SectionⅣ Passage 2: How can you say “sorry” and really mean it? Section Ⅴ Cultural tips

Information Related to the Reading Passage Alliteration

Alliteration (头韵) is the repeated occurrence of the same consonant sound at the beginning of several words in the same phrase or sentence, just as in “ Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting” in the passage. A good use of alliteration, usually a pair of alliterated words with similar or opposite meanings, could produce a stronger effect. The following are some examples. 1. chance and challenge 机遇挑战 2. clean and clear 清清楚楚 3. criss and cross沟沟坎坎 4. cues and clues蛛丝马迹 5. fight or flight战还是退 6. mercy or murder慈悲还是谋害 7. pets or pests宠物还是瘟疫 8. time and tide 时光流逝 9. virtue and vice 美德与恶行 10. wax and wane 兴衰起伏 Language Points

1. (Para. 1) Too often we just say the words “ I’m sorry” and expect that to be good enough.

Analysis: Too often is put at the beginning of the sentence to emphasize the adverbial of frequency. And that is a pronoun referring to we just say the words “I’m sorry”. Translation: 我们常常只是说出“对不起”这几个字就觉得足够了。其实并非如此。

Example: Too often we have a good sight to see the world and expect that to be quite enough.

2. (Para. 1) To say you are sorry and not admit wrongdoing is empty…

Analysis: The infinitive phrase To say you are sorry and not admit wrongdoing is used as the subject of the sentence. The second to ( not to admit ) is omitted. The word wrongdoing is a compound noun formed by a verb phrase of do wrong. Here wrong is used as a noun and serving as the object of the verb do. Translation: 光说你对不起却不认错,这是空话。

Example: Tosay you are fond of travel and not enjoy sightseeing sounds strange. 3. (Para. 3) Be specific and tell them that you know what you did to them.

Analysis: This is an imperative sentence, in which the two verbs be and tell act as the predicate. And tell has them as an indirect object and that-clause as a direct object. In the clause, what also leads a object clause..

Translation: 一定要具体并且告诉人家你知道自己对他们做错了什么。 Example: Be calm and tell yourself that you know what you should do in such a situation.

Section Ⅴ Appreciating Cultural tips Remember some famous sayings


