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Special test for the spelling of the eighth module of English in
senior two
教师:风老师 风顺第二中学
原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design 高二英语第八模块单词拼写专项测试
教材说明:本教学设计资料适用于高中高二英语科目 ,主要用途为培养学生的学习兴趣,提高逻辑思维、形象思维、口语交际及表达能力,进而促进全面发展和提高。内容已根据教材主题进行配套式编写,可直接修改调整或者打印成为纸质版本进行教学使用。 unit 1
1. i don’t like to m____ business with pleasure.
2. it suddenly o____ to me that i could use a computer to do the job.
3. he paused, a____ lost in thought.
4. this book is beautifully i____ with colour photographs. 5. the teacher said that your answer was by no m____ satisfactory.
6. s____ was abolished (废除) after the american civil war. 7. the m____ agreed to this decision and only a few were against it.
8. i____ means the process in which people enter a country in order to live permanently.
9. the wine contains a small p____ of alcohol.
10. he dived into research on william, the king of the english, also called william the c____.
11. when hitler came into power in germany, einstein, a jew,
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原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design lost his german n____ . he became a man without a country. 12. the congress of r____ equality or core is a u.s. civil rights organization that played a important role in the civil rights movement from its foundation.
13. when we went out of the railway station, john told me to stay with the l____ while he found a taxi.
14. they developed a new partnership between local and c____ government.
15. research i____ that men find it easier to give up smoking than women.
16. i liked her coat and she liked mine, so we s____. 17. the truck used a c____ to pull the car.
18. it was icy, and people were s____ and sliding all along the street.
19. they i____ a tube in his mouth to help him breathe. 20. what was his r____ to our suggestion? unit 2
1. human c____ is the creation of a genetically identical copy of a human being, human cell, or human tissue.
2. at least he was quite s____ about it; you can’t say he was trying to take you in.
3. the tv show was interrupted by too many c____.
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原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design 4. the other day johnson u____ to pay the money back within six months.
5. i strongly o____ to being treated like a child.
6. video is a good m____ for practising listening to a foreign language.
7. the ball i____ against the bat with a loud noise. 8. he thinks that it is not m____ a job, but a way of life. 9. i didn’t know anything about any of the books so my choice was quite a____.
10. he isn’t legally responsible for his nephew, but he feels he has a m____ responsibility to help him.
11. it’s a long way to go to f____ smoking all over the world. 12. premier zhou returned to work s____ after his operation. 13. his theory is just a____ resting on no scientific basis. 14. before rules and r____ were introduced, the sport was very dangerous.
15. dinosaurs have been e____ for millions of years. 16. the city r____ the enemy attack for two weeks. 17. building work and d____ are due to finish next year. 18. be r_____—you can’t expect her to do all the work on her own.
19. she has to o____ her parents’ permission before she
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原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design does anything important.
20. he gradually a____ an impressive collection of paintings. unit 3
1. young as she is, she has already d____ herself as an athlete.
2. there was a general e____ that he would win in the competition.
3. mother puts p____ on her handkerchief to make it smell pleasant.
4. their friendship came to an end a____ and nobody else knew why.
5. travelling by underground is fast, c____, and cheap. 6. “he was examined by a doctor” is a p____ sentence. 7. after my college entrance examinations i had a feeling of r____.
8. they c____ to have discovered a cure for the disease, but this had not yet been proved.
9. these are very v____ reasons why we ban tobacco advertising.
10. he p____ his speech with a few words of welcome to the special guests.
11. the communist party of china has both central and local
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