Unit 9 Reusing things
Period 1
授课时间: 总课时: 教学目标
知识与技能:词汇学习:throw away
句型复习:We can reuse many old things. Then it’ll be a vase!
过程与方法:通过Listen and enjoy的儿歌,让学生感受语言的韵律,导入旧物再利用的话题。
情感态度与价值观:培养环保意识,重复利用旧物。 教学重点:词汇学习:throw away
教学难点:句型复习:We can reuse many old things. Then it’ll be a vase! 教学过程
Pre –task preparations
1. 播放课本第33页Listen and enjoy的儿歌,学生欣赏并跟读。 2. 结合学生的生活常识及儿歌内容和学生问答,导入本单元
T:what did Ann use to make the pen bolder? S1: Ann used some paper and a can .
T: Yes. Ann used a can and some paper to make a pen holder. We can reuse many old things .”Reuse” means to use
something again. While-task procedures
1. 出示Look and learn 的图片及单词,学生看着图片大声朗读。同时可出示前面所学单词的图片,如tape, scissors, glue, crayon, paints, brush等,让学生通过快速反应游戏巩固这些单词。 2. 播放Listen and say的录音,让学生听录音后回答问题。 1) How many people are there in the dialogue? 2) Who are they?
3) What’s Alice going to do ? …
3. 让学生阅读Listen and say 的课文,完成下面的表格。 Things A small can How to reuse it? Put rubbers and crayons in it It’ll be a pen holder. A bottle A big can 创设语境操练It’ll be …句型。
T: Look! I can stick some cards together and put my pens and rulers in it. Then it’ll be a pen holder. Try to think of other ways to reuse things.
S1: I can use some string to tie some small bottles together. Then it’ll be a wind-bell.
Post-task activities
教师播放课文录音,空出对话中的关键词让学生填空。 Alice:Mum, can I _____ these bottles and cans? Mrs Wang: No. We should _____ them. Alice: Why, Mum?
Mrs Wang: because we can ______ them. Let me ______ you. Mrs Wang: Look, Alice. We can clean this small bottle and put your rubbers and crayons in it. Alice : That’s a _______ . 板书设计
Unit 9 Reusing things
throw away
We can reuse many old things.
Then it’ll be a vase!
Unit 9 Reusing things
Period 2
授课时间: 总课时: 教学目标
过程与方法:通过Think and write 的教学活动,帮助学生综合运
情感态度与价值观:培养环保意识,重复利用旧物。 教学重点:语音学习:句子的重读。 教学难点:语音学习:句子的重读。 教学过程
Pre –task preparations
1. 出示Listen and enjoy的图片,播放录音或多媒体,学生跟着录音大声朗读儿歌。 Save some paper cups. And find a little piece of string. …
2. 根据儿歌内容与学生问答,鼓励学生说出更多的旧物利用的方法。
T: What can you do with paper cups? S1: I can make toy phones.
T: what can you do with waste paper? S2: I can make paper planes.
T: we can reuse many old things. How can you reuse a bottle? …
While-task procedures
1.出示Think and write的图片,把学生分成四人小组,让学生说说可以如何重新利用这些物品。
S1: we can write on both sides of the paper.
S2: we can use waste paper to make toy planes and toy ships. S3:we can use envelopes to make a file folder, and put some photos or receipts in it. …
3. 学生以小组为单位,合作完成一幅宣传节约用纸的海报,可以综合6A Unit 11 Trees 所学的内容。海波可分为两部分内容,第一部分为Why should we save paper?第二部分为How can we save paper?教师可帮助学生回忆前面所学内容。
4. 出示Learn the sounds中的句子,向学生解释英语中句子的重读现象。可说明蓝色突出显示的词是如何重读的。然后让学生尝试朗读Listen and say中的句子,再播放录音,看看学生自己的朗读是否准确。 Post-task activities
1. 学生结合Listen and say和Listen and enjoy两部分内容编一个对话。
S1: Where are you going.(S2’s name)? S2: I’m going to throw away these paper cups. S1: Wait, I think you’d better keep them.