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1. (It is) easy as pie 派的制作过程简易又上手。所以形容一样东西to be as easy as pie,意为某件件事情很简单,人人都会做。

【例句】The job was easy as pie, and we finished up an hour early. 这工作超容易的,我们一小时前就搞定了。

2. go bananas 当你听到某人说“that man has gone bananas”,说明那个人变得很亢奋、很激动(想象一样一只不断上串下跳的猴子企图够到树上的香蕉)

【例句】The children will go bananas when they see the cute little puppy. 小朋友看到这只超萌小狗狗一定会激动坏了。

3. full of beans 外国人多用这个短语形容有“多动症”的小孩——调皮、坐不住。同义的表达还有“you’ve got ants in your pants!”

4. spill the beans 泄露天机、露馅。一个十分形象的短语:当你不小心嘴碎泄露了什么“天机”,就能听到别人对你嚷嚷“you’ve spilled the beans!”

【例句】I spilled the beans and told Jackie I loved her. 我不小心跟杰克说漏了,我爱她。

5. butter somebody up 这个短语实际上在表达“夸赞”和“奉承”的意味。可以是真心实意的夸奖,也可能是有求于人。

【例句】You'll have to butter them up a bit before they'll agree. 在他们同意之前,你最好能拍拍他们马屁。

6. the cream of the crop 同义词to be the best of the best。精英、百里挑一,形容人或事物十分优秀。

【例句】Don't be sad, you are the cream of the crop. 不要气馁,你是最好的。 7. There’s no use crying over spilled milk 牛奶洒了,哭也没有什么用。这个短语劝告人:别为已经发生了的、无法改变的事情再耿耿于怀了,因为没有用。

【例句】It's no use crying over spilled milk - he's spent all the money, and there's nothing you can do about it. 哭也无用——他已经把所有钱都花了,你也救不了。 8. go nuts在美剧里经常听到的耳熟表达。可以和being full of beans/going bananas同一替换表示精力过剩,也可以表达“你TM疯了嘛”!Nuts, 果仁,核,为复数时,意为“疯子”

【例句】He is nuts。他有神经病。

9. paid peanuts 如果你听到有人对你抱怨自己be paid peanuts,就是说ta的工作薪水很低,他们做的这份工作值得更高的薪酬。你也会听到You pay peanuts you get monkeys.这句话的意思为“你付这么少的薪水,他们就只能干出这种活了”。

【例句】-Your teams customer service ability is pathetic!你的客服团队真是太悲催了! -Well you can hardly expect any better with the budget you gave me, you pay peanuts you get monkeys. 你付我这么点预算,就只能干出这活。

10. take something with a grain of salt 持怀疑态度。这个短语建议别人对于一些承诺和陈述持怀疑态度,或者不要从词义上简单粗暴的理解。

【例句】Be careful, airplanes are dangerous. But that’s just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt. 当心!飞机可危险了!不过只是我的建议哦,持怀疑态度~

11. drop like a sack of potatoes 人或者物一下子跌倒或者掉落,并且结结实实地摔在地上。

【例句】Touch my package again Robin and I'll drop you like a fucking sack of potatoes! 再动我的包你试试罗宾!相不相信我让你摔个狗吃屎!

12. The proof is in the pudding 布丁好不好吃, 只有吃了以后才知道。也就是中国人常说的,实践见真知。

【例句】He won the last ten races so he’ll definitely win this race! The proof is in the pudding! 他赢了上10场比赛所以这次也是他必赢无疑!没差了! 13.Big cheese 大人物

【例句】Be careful what you say to that guy, he's the big cheese.跟那家伙说话时小心点,他可是大人物

14. Cut the mustard 直译是“切芥末”,实际的意思是“符合条件、符合要求”。 【例句】He was fired because he couldn't cut the mustard. 他被炒鱿鱼了,因为他不符合要求。

15. Bread and butter 直译是“面包和黄油”,实际的意思是“生计,主要收入来源”,【例句】I have to work hard to earn my bread and butter. 我必须努力工作维持生计。 16. Apple of one's eye“掌上明珠”的意思,注意这里的eye不加s。 【例句】His daughter is the apple of his eye. 他的女儿是他的掌上明珠。

17. Cool as a cucumber“泰然自若”

【例句】Whatever happens, he will be as cool as a cucumber. 不管发生什么事情,他都泰然自若。

18.In the soup 直译是“在汤里面”,实际意思是“处于困境”,

【例句】He hit the man and now he is in the soup. 他打了那个人,现在有麻烦了。 19. Another cup of tea 直译是“另一杯茶”,实际意思是“另当别论”,相似的说法有different kettle of fish,意为另一码事。

【例句】Even if you score high in English exam, you'll find it's another cup of tea to make conversation in English. 尽管你英语考试分数高,但是你还是会发现用英语交流是另一回事。

20. wake up and smell the coffee 清醒一点;面对现实

【例句】Do not despair,wake up and smell the coffee. 不要绝望, 要认清事实。



