【期刊名称】《农业机械学报》 【年(卷),期】2001(032)003
【摘要】分析了膜片应变式压力传感器测量离散介质压力时产生误差的原因,用试验的方法建立了测量误差与介质分布密度间的相关关系。对传感器的非线性度及温、湿度引起的测量误差亦进行了分析。%For the purpose of studying the adaptability of the film strain gauge pressure transducer used in measuring the dispersed medium pressure,the working characteristic of the transducer and the cause of pressure measurement error in dispersed medium were analyzed in this paper. Based on the theory of small deflection deformation of the elastic lamina, the relation of the measurement error and medium distribution density was presented with six steel balls in different diameters, and tested by the experiment with agricultural matter (millet, soybean, etc.). As the result, the relation of them was in negative, that is, the error will be smaller as the diameter of the agricultural matter is less, however, the measurement error will not be prominent if the diameter less than some numerical value; if the diameter is larger than usual, the error can be smaller by testing more times. The error caused by temperature is not only related to temperature variation but also to the difference of temperature of the film surface. The paper analyzed nonlinear error of