Teleportation of an unknown two-particle entangled state via an asymmetric three-particle
Teleportation of an unknown two-particle entangled state via an asymmetric three-particle
entanglement state
CHEN Xiu-bo;DU Jian-zhong;WEN Qiao-yan;ZHU Fu-chen
【期刊名称】《中国邮电高校学报(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2008(015)001
【摘要】In this article, a protocol for the teleportation of anunknown two-particle entanglement is proposed. The feature ofthe present protocol is that we utilize an asymmetric three-particle entangled state as the quantum channel. The optimaldiscrimination between two nonorthogonal quantum states isadopted. It is shown that an unknown two-particle entangledstate can be probabilisticaUy teleported from the senderto theremote receiver on condition that the co-sender successfullycollaborates. The fidelity in this protocol is one. In addition, theprobability of the successful teleportation is calculated and allkinds of transformations performed by the sender and thereceiver are provided in detail. 【总页数】4页(102-105)
【关键词】teleportation, two-particle entangled state, asym-metric three-particle entangled state, generalized measurement
【作者】CHEN Xiu-bo;DU Jian-zhong;WEN Qiao-yan;ZHU Fu-chen 【作者单位】School of Science, Beijing University of Posts and
Teleportation of an unknown two-particle entangled state via an asymmetric three-particle