2.1水力机械hydraulic machinery
2.2 水轮机hydraulic turbine
2.3 蓄能泵storage pump
2.4 水泵水轮机reversible turbine,pump-turbine
2.5 旋转方向direction of rotation
2.6 机组unit
2.13立式、卧式和倾斜式机组vertical,horizontal and inclined unit
2.14可调式水力机械regulated hydraulic machinery
2.15不可调式水力机械non-regulated hydraulic machinery
2.16主阀main valve
3.1.1反击式水轮机reaction turbine
3.1.2 混流式水轮机Francis turbine,mixed-flow turbine
3.1.3 轴流式水轮机axial turbine
3.1.4 轴流转桨式水轮机Kaplan turbine,axial-flow adjustable blad propeller turbine
3.1.5 轴流调桨式水轮机Thoma turbine
3.1.6 轴流定桨式水轮机Propeller turbine
3.1.7贯流式水轮机tubular turbine,through flow turbine
3.1.8灯泡式水轮机bulb turbine
3.1.9竖井贯流式水轮机pit turbine
3.1.10全贯流式水轮机straight flow turbine,rim-generator unit 3.1.11轴伸贯流式水轮机(S形水轮机)tubular turbine(S -type turbine)
3.1.12 斜流式水轮机diagonal turbine
3.1.13 斜流转桨式水轮机Deriaz turbine
3.1.14斜流定桨式水轮机fixed blade of Deriaz turbine
3.1.15冲击式水轮机impuls turbine,action turbine
3.1.16水斗式水轮机Pelton turbine,scoop turbine
3.1.17斜击式水轮机inclined jet turbine
3.1.18双击式水轮机cross-flow turbine
3.2.1混流式(离心式)蓄能泵centrifugal storage pump, mixed-flow storage pump
3.2.2轴流式蓄能泵propeller storage pump,axial storage pump
3.2.3斜流式蓄能泵diagonal storage pump
3.2.4多级式蓄能泵multi-stage storage pump
3.3.1单级水泵水轮机singal stage pump-turbine
3.3.2多级水泵水轮机multi-stage pump-turbine
3.4.1蝴蝶阀butterfly valve
3.4.2 平板蝶阀biplane butterfly valve,through flow butterfly valve
3.4.3 圆筒阀cylindrical valve,ring gate
3.4.4 球阀rotary valve,spherical valve
3.4.5 盘形阀mushroom valve,hollow-cone valve, howell-Bunger valve
3.4.6 针形阀needle valve
3.4.7 旁通阀by-pass valve
3.4.8直空破坏阀vacuum break valve
4.1.1埋入部件embedded component