【期刊名称】《农业工程学报》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)001
【摘要】为科学合理测算耕地整治潜力,提高潜力测算结果的应用性,该文结合二调数据及农用地分等数据,进行了耕地整治数量潜力和质量潜力的测算研究,耕地整治数量潜力测算采用耕地系数法(CLC,cultivated land coefficient),耕地整治质量潜力测算采用农用地分等因子提高后的预评价法。研究表明:五华县耕地整治潜力较大,数量总潜力为841.69 hm2,各行政村数量潜力分布情况为南高北低;质量潜力方面,经过整治,耕地自然等别可平均提高1.28等,利用等别可平均提高0.71等,生产能力可提高57862.99×104 kg。该研究方法符合当地土地整治实际情况,研究结果可为制定县域土地整治规划、划定高标准基本农田建设区及确定耕地整治建设重点项目区提供参考。osed on the second land investigation data and farmland classification, this article explores the quantitative and qualitative potential of cultivated land consolidation in Wuhua County in Guangdong Province. The quantitative potential of land consolidation was calculated by the cultivated land coefficient method, in which the standard cultivated land coefficient of each cultivated land parcellis decided by the mean cultivated land coefficient of the same slope grade to which the parcellbelonged, and the quantitative potential of each cultivated land parcellis calculated by the multiplying the area of the