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语法学习表 时态 一般现在时 意义 存在的状态,或客观真理 现在进行时 现在正在发生的动作 标志词语 构成公式 被动语态 主语+is /am/are+V过分 主语经常性、习惯性的动作,often, always, usually, 主语+V原形(主语是sometimes, once a 第三人称单数时,Vweek, every day at this moment 加s或es) now,Look!, Listen!, 主语+am/is/are+V-ing +am/is/are+being+V过分 主语+have/has 分 +been+V过分 主语+was/were +V过分 主语现在完成时 过去的动作对现在有影响或过去的动作一直持续到现在 already , yet ,since, so 主语 +have/has +V过far 一般过去时 过去发生的动作 yesterday ,last 主语+V过去式 week, …ago, in 1998, just now at this time yesterday, 主语+was/were+V-ing just then, at 6:00 last Sunday, when+一般过去时 by the end of +过去的时间,by the time +一般过去时 主语+had+V过分 过去进行时 过去时间内正发生的动作或存在的状态 +was/were+being+V过分 主语+had+been+V过分 过去完成时 过去已完成的动作 一般将来时 将要发生的动作或将来的状态 tomorrow, next week, 主语+am/is/are going 主语+will be+V过in the future, in two to +V原形,或主语days, in 2100 +will+V原形 常用于主句是一般过去时的宾语从句 “since+时间点/从句/时间点ago”或“for+时间段” to+V原形,或主语+would +V原形 主语分 过去将来时 过去时间内将要发生的动作或存在的状态 主语+was/were+going 主语+would+be+V过分 现在完成进行时 过去的动作一直延续到现在 +have /has+been+V-ing can/may/must等+V原形 can/may/must+be +V过分 等含情态动词 考点精讲

考点1 一般现在时有哪些特殊用法?

(1) 表示此时此刻正在发生的动作或存在的状态。

What’s the time now? 现在几点了?

(2) 在含时间和条件状语从句的复合句中(主句为一般将来时)。

I’ll call you as soon as I arrive in Beijing tomorrow.明天一到北京,我就给你打电话。 (3) 在主句为过去时态的复合句中,如果宾语从句陈述的是客观真理,从句用一般现在时。

The teacher said Maria is a girl.老师说玛利亚是个女孩。 (4) 表示书、信、报纸、通知、广播、告示牌等的内容用一般现在时。

It says, “Closed”.上面写着,“停止营业”。 专练 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1、 Three plus two_________(be)five. 2、There____________(go)the bell! 3、Light______________(travel)faster than sound. 4、If you____________(ask)her tomorrow, she will help you.

5、The notice _______________(say)“No Smoking!”.

考点2 如何使用used to?

used to后加动词原形表示“过去常常”,其疑问句和否定句可直接使用used,也可借助于did。 I used to be afraid of dark .我过去常怕黑。He usedn’t to ride to school.他过去不常骑车去上学。 He used to smoke, didn’t he?他过去常抽烟,是吗?

注意:be used to doing 意为“习惯做某事”, be used to do 意为“被用来……”,不要混淆。 专练 按要求变化下面的句型

1、She used to play near the river.(改为否定句)

__________________________________________________________________________ 2、 The children didn’t use to come here early,_____________________?(补全反意疑问句) 考点3 一般将来时有哪些形式?

(1)“be going to+动词原形”表示计划或打算在最近要做的事。 I’m going to take you to the park.我打算带你去公园。

(2)“will/shall+动词原形”是单纯的将来时,常与表示将来的时间状语连用。 He will come back next week.他下周回来。

(3)“be+动词不定式”结构,表示按计划要发生的事,或用来征求对方意见。 We are to meet outside the park. 我们约定在公园外面见。

Am I to go on with the work? 这工作我是不是接着干下去? (4)“be about+动词不定式”结构,表示即将做某事,一般不用时间状语。

It is about to rain.天要下雨了。 (5) 现在进行时可用于表示马上要发生的动作,多用于瞬间动词(start,begin,die等)。 I’m leaving for Shanghai. 我要去上海了。 专练 按要求变化下面的句型

1、 Have you finished your homework? Not yet. I__________________________________(this afternoon). 2、 Where are you going this Sunday? _______________________________(the zoo). 考点4 哪些动词没有进行时?

表示感觉、情感、状态、看法、意愿的动词一般没有进行时,这类动词有:hear, see, smell, look, seem, think, like, want, hope, belong, cost, weigh, prefer, remain, have, own, believe等。 专练 改正下面每个句子中的错误

1、 I’m hearing a strange noise now. 2、 Now you are looking beautiful.

考点5 现在完成时和一般过去时有什么区别?


—Have you done your homework?你做作业了吗? —Yes, I have.做了。 —When did you do it?什么时候做的? —Last night.昨天晚上。 专练 根据所给的动词短语,分别用一般过去时和现在完成时造句 1、 go to the beach 2、not hear of that

考点6 have been to, have been in和have gone to有何区别?

have been in 表示“在某地……”;have been to 表示“去过”某地,常与ever, never ,…before, once ,twice等连用;have gone to 表示“去了”某地,人可能在途中或已到达那里。 专练 用have(has) gone to, have (has)been to, have(has) been in 填空 1、 Tim____________________________out. He’ll be back in an hour. 2、 Jim___________________________this city for two years.

3、 ___________you ever______________Jinan? It has some famous springs. 考点7 现在完成时的句子,谓语何时用瞬间动词,何时用延续动词?

若表示持续性的动作,常与表示一段时间的状语如these days, in the past few years, during the last three months, for two years, so far, up to now, till now, recently等连用。

The old man has been away from home for twenty years.那老人离开家已十年了。

注意:瞬间动词不能与持续性的完成时连用,必须改为延续动词,记住下面的瞬间动词与延续动词的换用: 1、 动词变动词:buy→have, borrow→keep

2、 变为“be+adj./adv.”:begin→be on, close/open→be closed/open, die→be dead, finish→be over, get up→be up, marry→be married, go→be off, come→be here, return→be back, arrive→be here 3、 变为“be+介词短语”:come/go →be in/at, join→be in(或“be+成员”),put on→wear(或be in) I came to this school ten years ago. = I have been in this school for ten years. = Ten years has passed since I came to this school. = It is ten years since I came to this school. 专练 A)用所给动词的适当形式填空

1、I __________________(buy)this bicycle for five years. 2、You can ________________(borrow)it for two days. 3、The film________________(begin)for five minutes.

4、How long ______________ you _________________(go)this school? 5、My brother ______________ (join) the army since 1999. 6、I _________________(put on)the shoes since three years ago. 7、The old man___________________(die)since 2000. B ) 将下面的句子变为同义句

8、 They got married two years ago. It _______________________since they got married. 9、We came to this school three years ago.

We__________________________ this school __________three years.

10、I have been up for two hours. Two hours __________________________I got up. 考点8 如何将主动语态变为被动语态?


(1) 主动句有双宾语,可将其中一个宾语变为主语,但若将直接宾语用作主语,后面要使用to 或for引出间


He gave me a book yesterday.

→I was given a book yesterday./A book was given to me yesterday. ( 2 ) 动词短语是一个不可分的整体,变化时不能丢掉介词或副词。

You should speak to me politely. →I should be spoken to politely.(to 不可少) (2) 主动句的主语若是地点名词,变化时不要忘记加介词。 Shandong produces salt. →Salt is produced in Shandong.

( 4 ) 带宾语补足语的动词变为被动语态时,宾补在原位置不动。

I saw a man playing basketball there. →A man was seen playing basketball there. ( 5 ) 在主动句中某些动词后的不定式可省略to,但在被动句中to要补出。 Our parents make us study hard. →We are made to study hard. 专练 将下面句子的主动语态变为被动语态,被动语态变为主动语态 1、 The students clean the room every day. 2、 She gave me twenty yuan last week.

3、 A present was bought for me by my sister.

4、 The girl has taken care of the blind men for five years. 考点9 哪些动词的主动形式可以表示被动意义? (1) 系动词,如look, feel, taste, smell等。

The music sounds beautiful.这音乐听起来很美。

(2) sell, feel, write, drive, open 等词作不及物动词,其主语为物时。

This kind of clothes sells well.这种衣服卖得很好。

(3) 在be worth doing sth.中的doing。

The basketball match is well worth watching.这场篮球赛很值得看。

(4) 在need ,want, require等表示“需要”的动词后接V-ing形式表示被动意义,相当于to be done。

My kite wants mending.我的风筝需修理。 专练 用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1、 The fur of the cat__________(feel) very warm. 2、 The apples____________(taste)good.

3、 This kind of food_______________(smell) hot. 4、 The latest model cars ________________(sell)well. 5、 The ball-pen_________________(write)smoothly. 6、 Your coat _________________(not wash)easily. 7、 The book is worth______________(read). 8、 Your hair wants _____________(cut).

考点10 被动语态有哪些习惯用法?

It is said that…据说…… It is well known that… 众所周知…… It is reported that… 据报道…… It is believed that… 大家相信…… It is said that it will rain tomorrow.据说明天要下雨。

专练 根据汉语提示,用适当的词填空,完成下面的句子

1、____________________________(据说)we will have an English exam tomorrow. 2、____________________________(众所周知)most families have one bike at least. 3、____________________________(大家相信)our government will solve this problem. 考点11 如何判断时态?



首先找出时态标志词,如:He____________(not talk)now.其标志词是now。

再根据标志词确定用哪些时态,想想其公式。如now是现在进行时的标志,公式是am/is/are+V-ing。 注意:看句式是疑问句还是否定句,写出变化形式。如上题是否定句,故填isn’t talking。


【1辽宁·沈阳】1.Tomorrow there's a programme about our school on TV,then it ____ by millions of people.

A.will see B.saw C.will be seen D.was seen 【1湖北·襄樊】2.--I the Great Wall next week. --Have a good trip!

A. visit B. visited C. am visiting D. have visited

【1山东·东营】3. He to Dongying many times, so he knows every corner of it. A. went B. will go C. has gone D. has been

【1安徽省卷】4. -- Are you going to the party? -- No, because I ______.

A. have asked B. haven't asked

C. have been asked D. haven't been asked

【1河北省卷】5. This term ________ over. The summer vacation is coming in two weeks. A. is B. was C. has been D. will be

【1湖北·武汉】6. --When _______ you _______ to learn to skate? --Five years ago.

A. do; start B. will; start C. had; started D. did; start 【1福建?晋江】7. –I want to teach in Tibet when I graduate from the college.

--Me too. Teachers __________very much there.

A. need B. are needing C. are needed 【1湖北·咸宁】8. — The 1 Asian Sports Meet this November in Guangzhou. — Yes. I wish Chinese players will do well.

A. will be held B. have been held C. was to be held D. would be held 【1黑龙江·哈尔滨】9.Great changes have taken place since we ______ E—Times.And the computer is widely used throughout the world.

A.entered B.will enter C.have entered 【1贵州·铜仁】10. —Hello! Is that Mr. Jiang ?

—No ,he_____ Guiyang .He will be back in more than two weeks.

A. goes B. went C. has gone to D. has been to 【1江苏·镇江】11. —The Summer Palace is wonderful. Have you ever visited any other interesting places? —Yes. Also, we _________ to the Great Wall.

A. have gone B. have been C. had gone D. had been 【1江苏·苏州】12.—What do you think of the film“Avatar”?

—It’s fantastic.The only pity is that I________ the beginning of it.

A.missed B.was missing C.miss D.will miss 【1甘肃?兰州】13. In the past few years there ______ great changes in my hometown. A. have been B. were C. had been D. are

【1湖北·宜昌】14. ---There’s too much salt in the Chinese diet.

---So there is. The WHO says only 1.5 grams of salt ____ for each man every day.

A. is needed B. needs C. will need D. has needed

【1广东·广州】15. — Excuse me, what's this for? —It's a cleaner and it ____ to pick up dirt.

A. uses B is used C is using D. used

【1四川?达州】16. When we got to Yushu airport , we were told that they ____ more than 500 people from the ruins (废墟) by earthquake.

A. has saved B. saved C. had saved D. have saved

【1宁夏】17. ---Have you read this book? ---Yes. I ____ it two weeks ago.

A. am reading B. have read C. will read D. read

A. am doing B. were doing C. was doing 【1重庆】18. If you ____ to the 1 Shanghai Expo next month, I will go with you.

A. go B. has gone C. will go D. are going

【1浙江?义乌】19 It ____ to drive after drinking wine.

A. is allowed B. is not allowed C. is made D. is welcomed

【2山东临沂】20. Chen Guangbiao says he _________ all his money to charities when he dies. A. leaves B. left C. will leave D. would leave 【2山东威海】21.—Mom, when can I go out to play football? —Finish your homework first, or I ________let you go out. A. don't B. didn't C. won't D. haven't



