Unit1 My Favourite Season
一、教学内容:PFP小学英语五年级下册第二单元《My favourite season》B部分Let’t talk. 本单元主要学习问答最喜欢哪个季节并陈述原因。本课时是该单元的第五课时,主要是对话的学习,掌握句型What’s your favourite season? Why do you like…? Because I can… 二、教学目标与要求
1.能够听懂、会说句型:what’s your favourite season? Spring. Why do you like spring? Because I can plant trees/…
2.能够听懂Let’s try 部分的录音,完成听音选择正确图的任务。 三、教学重点和难点
掌握询问对方喜欢某个季节的原因及其应答的句型:Why do you like…? Because I can…
四、教具准备:1.本课时教学挂图;2.录音机和录音带;3. PPT, 重点句型的词条、词组条若干,调查表格学生人手一份。
五、教学情感目标:热爱大自然,让学生了解各个季节的天气以及活动。 六、教学方法
本课时我采用了情景教学法,任务型教学法和小组竞赛法 七、教学过程
Step 1. Warm-up
1. Sing a song “what’s your favourite season?”
2. Free talking: How many seasons in a year? What are they?
Step 2. presentation
1、任务一:春夏秋冬的色彩和景色(season’s colour and natural scenery) (1) T: What colour is the spring/summer/fall/winter? PPT 展示春夏秋冬四个季节的图片。
Ss: The spring is green. The summer is red. The fall is golden. The winter is white.
(2) Let’s chant:
Spring is green with flowers are song. Summer is red and the days are long. Fall is golden and farmers are busy. Winter is white and the year is gone.
(3)T: What’s your favourite season? Why? 引导学生用句型 “Because I see…”回答.
S1: I like spring. Because I see the leaves are green, the flowers are coulurful. S2: I like winter. Because I see the trees are white and the school is white. 【设计意图】让学生通过想象四季的“颜色”来选择自己喜欢的季节,并能围绕颜色这个中心词例举一些“景色”,说出自己喜欢的理由。通过 “I see”这个角度,培养学生善于观察大自然,热爱大自然的情感。
2.任务二:“春夏秋冬”的天气和着装(Season’s weather and clothes) (1)T: What’s the seather like in spring/summer/fall/winter? S1: The spring is windy and warm. S2: The summer is sunny and hot. S3: The fall is windy and cool. S4: The winter is windy and cold.
(2)T: What’s your favouriter season? Why? 引导学生用句型 “Because I …”回答。
S1: I like summer. Because I like hot days. I wear T-shirt and shorts. S2: I like spring. Because I like warm days. I wear shirt and jeans. S3: I like fall. Because I like windy days. I wear sweater. S4: I like winter. Bevause I like cold days. I wear boots.
3.任务三:“春夏秋冬”中能开展的活动(Season’s activities) (1) T: What can you do in spring/summer/fall/winter?
Ss: plant trees/Fly lites/Make a snowman/Swim in the sea/Skate. (2)PPT展示活动词组
Climb mountains、plant trees, fly kites、play sports、have a picnic、make a snowman、swim in the sea、go hiking、eat ice-cream、pick up oranges、water the fulowers、sleep a long time 、summer holiday、winter holiday、wear my sandals、Sping Festival、Chilren’s Day (3)T: What’s your favourite season? Why? 引导学生用句型 “Because I can…”回答。
S1: I like spring. Because I can plant trees in spring. S2: I like summer. Because I can swim in the sea. S3: I like fall. Because I can climb mountains.. S4: I like winter. Because I can make a snowman.
【设计意图】在任务(1)(2)知识铺垫的基础上,完成任务(3),进一步学习本课重点知识。除了展示书本上学到过的短语,教师还补充了很多的词组,如:the Spring Festival Children’s Day, summer holiday等待,进一步滚动学生的知识储备,真正做到学以致用。教师向学生出示一张表格(见附表),对全班学生所喜欢的季节进行调查和记录,可进行如下对话作为示范:
T:What’s your favourite season? S1: I like spring. T: Why de you like spring?
S2: I can plant trees,教师让学生反复操练句型,并将回答填入表格内。 4.任务四:小组合作完成表格
Name Favourite season Activities I wear I can 【设计意图】在学生学习完前面三个任务的基础上,小组合作,运用句型I see …I wear…I can…对自己喜欢的季节进行整合陈述,这样设计遵循了由“分”到“总”,由“易”到“难”的知识习得规律。
5.课文Let’s talk 处理 (1)听音,完成PPT中的表格填空。
Name Favourite season Favouriteactivity(why) Sarah Chen Jie (2)再听一遍录音,教师边提问边集体校对。 What’s Sarah’s favourite season? Which season does chen jie like best? Why does she like spring/winter?
(3)齐读课文内容,分角色朗读课文,同桌合作表演对话。 Step 3. Practice 趣味活动:找伙伴
教师事先将印有文字或图片的小卡片发给每位学生,要求学生在规定时间里找到另外三个与自己持有相同卡片的人。必须使用What’s your favourite season? / why do you like spring/ summer/fall/winter?
活动结束后,找到同伴的人一起说We like…because we can…
Step 4.Consolidation
1.Make a season book(如下图示范)
【设计意图】“四季”绘本可以是个人独立完成,也可以小组合作完成,按春夏秋冬的次序分工,一人选择一个季节,配上插图,陈述理由。教师可以在课后展出孩子们的优秀作品,进行班级评奖,对学生的英语学习进行过程性评价。 2.Homework
3.Step 5【板书设计】
What’s your favourite season?
Why do you like spring? Because I can plant trees.
英语人教版五年级下册unit1 My favourite season