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能力, 语感是一种对语言、语段或词句的感受能力, 是一种看不见摸不着的东西, 是一种

看不见摸不着的东西,但在做完形填 空题时又是必不可少的东西。 空题时又是必不可少的

东西。娴熟的语感的 形成不是一蹴而就的, 形成不是一蹴而就的,要在平时的学习过程 中

多听,多读,尤其是大声朗读犹为重要。 中多听,多读,尤其是大声朗读犹为重要。 在早

读或晚读时间,抛开顾忌,放开喉咙, 在早读或晚读时间,抛开顾忌,放开喉咙, 大声朗

读,对培养语感是非常重要的。 大声朗读,对培养语感是非常重要的。如果 通过朗读能够

多背诵一些课文是再好不过的 语感在你的朗读和背诵课文的过程中, 了。语感在你的朗读

和背诵课文的过程中, 不知不觉地逐步形成了。 不知不觉地逐步形成了。 4(坚持不懈,多做练习。 (坚持不懈,多做练习。 语法填空是一种新题型, 语法填空是

一种新题型,考生在前几年都不曾 练过的。但是高考中又占了总分的十分之一, 练过的。

但是高考中又占了总分的十分之一, 非常重要。 非常重要。因此要求考生在考前一段时间

要 大量练习这种题型,不断练习,不断总结, 大量练习这种题型,不断练习,不断总结, 不

断提高,高考时才能处变不惊,轻松应对。 不断提高,高考时才能处变不惊,轻松应对。

it Will _1_ matter if you don’t take your breakfast? ’ were given Recently a test __2__, (give) in the United , Sates. Those tests included people of different ages ____3___ from 12 to 83. During the experiment, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts, and sometimes they got __4_ breakfast at all. no how Special tests were

set up to see ___5___ well their bodies worked and when they had a eaten__6_certain kind of breakfast. The results show that if a person eats a proper breakfast, he or she will work with better effect ___7__ if he or than she has no breakfast. This fact appears to be especially ______8______ (especial) true if a person works ___9__ his brains. For example, if a student eats with fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen with___10__ (much) attention in class. more


