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人文英语4 国家开放大学机考题库及答案

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试卷总分:100 答题时间:60分钟

考生姓名: 李丹丹 考点名称: 遂宁广播电视大学大英分校 考试科目: 人文英语4 客观题 交际用语(共5题,共10分)

1. — Do you think cosmetic surgery is more popular with women? — ________________ .

A Yes, women are more popular than men

B Yes, absolutely. Because women pay more attention to beauty C No, men are popular than women

正确的答案是:B;考生答案:A;试题分数:2;考生得分:0 2. This apple pie is too sweet, don’t you think so? — _________________ . I think it’s just right, actually.

A Not really B I hope so C Sounds good


3. — What is the most essential issue for improving educational quality? —___________ .

A It’s a good idea

B Yes, we have to improve educational quality C It is essential to make sure that every student learns 正确的答案是:C;考生答案:;试题分数:2;考生得分:0 4. — Have you got it into our legal counsel Mr. Davis? — ___________.

A Yes, as soon as I get the notice B I didn’t get into Mr. Davis C I don’t know Mr. Davis

正确的答案是:A;考生答案:;试题分数:2;考生得分:0 5. — I’m sorry. I am late due to the heavy traffic. —__________.

A Well, it’s OK B No, it’s all right C You are welcome

正确的答案是:A;考生答案:;试题分数:2;考生得分:0 词汇与结构(共15题,共30分)

1. Team spirit ___________ their final success.

A contributes to B causes C results from


2. I think the benefits of opening up space far the damage that we can see. A outwit B outweigh C outwear


3. Professor Smith promised to look ________ my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the defence.

A after B over C on


4. The _____ increased the contradictions between the two countries.

A accident B resident C incident


5. Someone got in and walked ____ with the bags while we were out.

A out B off C of


6. Pay attention not to tell the plaintiff’s lawyer too much, ____ we may lose the case.

A but B otherwise C so

正确的答案是:B;考生答案:;试题分数:2;考生得分:0 7. Touch- ____ 3D maps help the blind too much.

A responsive B speaking C listening

正确的答案是:A;考生答案:;试题分数:2;考生得分:0 8. Tom asked me to go to play football and ________.

A so did I B so I did C so do I


9. When Lily came home at 5 pm yesterday, her mother ______dinner in the kitchen.

A cooked B was cooking C cooks

正确的答案是:B;考生答案:;试题分数:2;考生得分:0 10. Nancy is ________ girl.

A an eighteen-year-old

人文英语4 国家开放大学机考题库及答案


