complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, \bility of three\quirements of the management system, responsible for \bility of three\nd the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company \bility three of\s, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implementation, and implementation, and
count1=countl+1 ElseIf (10) =\ (11) End If
If KeyAscii=13_Then If (12) Then Print\左右括号配对\ ElseIf (13) Then Print \左括号多于右括号\个\ Else
Print\右括号多于左括号\个\ End If EndIf EndSub
Private Sub Form_Click() Dim a(1 To 7) For i=1 To 7
a(i)=I :Print a(i); Next i Print For i=1 To 7 t= (14) For j=6 To l Step-1 (15) Next j (16) For j=1 To 7 Print a(j); Next j Print Next i End Sub
7. 在一维数组中利用移位的方法显示如图所示的结果。
8. 将C盘根目录下的一个老的文本文件old.dat复制到新文件new.dat中,并利用文件操作语句将old.dat文件从磁盘上删除。
Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim strl$
Open \ (17) As # 1 Open \ (18) Do While (19) complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, \bility of three\quirements of the management system, responsible for \bility of three\nd the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, nspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company \bility three of\s, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implementation, and implementation, and
(20) Print #2, str1 Loop (21) (22) End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim m%,x%,Tag AS Boolean Tag=False
x=inputBox(\输入正整数\ Do While Not Tag m=2:Tag= (23) Do While Tag And (m<(x\\2))
If x Mod m=0 Then (24) Else (25) Loop
If Not Tag Then x=x+1 Loop Print x End Sub
9. 由键盘输入一个正整数,找出大于或等于该数的第一个质数。
complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Second, characteristic functions 1, according to the company, \bility of three\quirements of the management system, responsible for \bility of three\nd the formulation of major rules and regulations, and is responsible for training, implementation, inspection and guide its operation; 2, the company responsible for the Department (workshop) annual and monthly economic responsibility economic responsibility system and various special formulation, revision, inspection, evaluation, internal evaluation, summary, approved and communicated, audits, surveys, feedback from senior Department assessment; 3, responsible for the company's long-term plan, annual plan of work; 4, is responsible for the company's monthly operating conditions analysis and monthly focus assessment focus; 5 rules and regulations, the company responsible for the development, examination, inspection and training, Discovery Manager. 10 quality accidents of work, the company responsible for the Department of investigation, judge, processing, analysis, summary and reporting; 11, and is responsible for implement implementation implementation national of financial system, and financial discipline, according to company \bility three of\s, developed company financial management and financial supervision system (including funds costs approval system, and borrowing approval system, and settlement system cash management system,), by Manager approved Hou seriously organization implementation, and implementation, and 参考答案
第一部分 计算机基础知识 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.D 10.C 11.A
13.A 14.A 15.B 16.B 17.A 18.D 19.C 20.A
第二部分 Visual Basic 程序设计 一、选择题 21.C 22.B 23.C 24.C 25.B 26.B 27.A 28.C 29.C 30.A 31.B
33.C 34.A 35.D
二、填空题 1.\ 2.4,22 3.a=4 b=6 c=6 4.a=8 b=6 c=6 5.6
6.最大公约数 7.5 10 25 8.5 10 2 9.Chr(KeyAscii) 10.Chr(KeyAscii) 11.count1=count1-1 12.count1=0 13.count1>0 14.a(7) 15.a(j+1)=a(j) 16.a(1)=t 17.For Input 18.For Output As #2 19.Not EOF(1) 20.Line Input #1,str1 21.Close #1,#2 22.KILL “c:\\old.dat” 23.True 24.Tag = False 25.m = m+1