16 CFR Ch. II (1–1–10 Edition)
(G)有两个或更多燃烧时间且平均少于4秒,不多于一个底布燃烧。预分级为 Class 1,一般易燃性;或
(H)有两个或更多燃烧时间且平均为4到7秒(含),有两个或更多底布燃烧。预分级为 Class 2,中度易燃性。
(A)燃烧时间平均少于4秒且不多于两个底布燃烧。预分级为 Class 1,一般易燃性;或
(B)燃烧时间平均少于4秒且有三个或更多底布燃烧。预分级与最终分级为 Class 3,快速且剧烈燃烧;或
(C)燃烧时间平均大于7秒。预分级为 Class 1,一般易燃性;或
(D)燃烧时间平均为 4-7 秒(含),且不多于两个底布燃烧。预分级为 Class 1,一般易燃性;或
(E) 燃烧时间平均为 4-7 秒(含),且有三个或更多底布燃烧。预分级为 Class 2,中度易燃性;或
(vi) 如果10个试样中仅有一个燃烧时间,则该测试无法下定结论,该织物无法分级。
§ 1610.8 结果报告
(a)报告结果应为整新之前或之后的较为严格的分级。而基于此结果,该纺织品应归类于恰当的如 § 1610.4所述的最终分级。
30 (1) For Plain Surface Textile Fabrics: DNI Did not ignite.
IBE Ignited, but extinguished.
_._ sec. Actual burn time measured and recorded by the timing device.
(2) For Raised Surface Textile Fabrics:
SF uc Surface flash, under the stop thread, but does not break the stop thread.
SF pw Surface flash, part way. No time shown because the surface flash did not reach the stop thread.
SF poi Surface flash, at the point of impingement only (equivalent to ‘‘did not ignite’’ for plain surfaces). _._ sec. Actual burn time measured by the timing device in 0.0 seconds.
_._ SF only Time in seconds, surface flash only. No damage to the base fabric.
_._ SFBB Time in seconds, surface flash base burn starting at places other than the point of impingement as a result of surface flash.
_._ SFBB poi Time in seconds, surface flash base burn starting at the point of impingement.
_._ SFBB poi* Time in seconds, surface flash base burn possibly starting at the point of impingement. The asterisk is accompanied by the following statement: ‘‘Unable to make absolute determination as to source of base burns.’’ This statement is added to the result of any specimen if there is a question as to origin of the base burn.
§ 1610
Consumer Product Safety Commission 16 CFR Ch. II (1–1–10 Edition)
(1)对于表面平整纺织织物: DNI 没有点燃。 IBE 点燃,但自熄。
_._ sec. 由计时器测得并记录的实际燃烧时间。
SF uc 表面闪燃,位于停止线之下,但没有烧断停止线。
SF pw 表面闪燃,中断。没有显示时间,因表面闪燃并未到达停止线。
SF poi 表面闪燃,仅在火焰击点处(等同于表面平整纺织织物的“没有点燃”)
_._ sec. 由计时器自0.0秒开始测得的实际燃烧时间。
_._ SF only 时间以秒计,仅表面闪燃。未破坏底布。
_._ SFBB 时间以秒计,表面闪燃,由于表面闪燃的结果,在非火焰击点处开始底布燃烧。
_._ SFBB poi 时间以秒计,表面闪燃,在火焰击点处开始底布燃烧。
_._ SFBB poi* 时间以秒计,表面闪燃,可能在火焰击点处开始底布燃烧。星号注记的附述为:“对于底布燃烧的根源无法下确定的结论。”该附述附加于对底布燃烧起源有疑问的任何试样的结果。
31 Modern Testing Service