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SeCtiOn I USe Of EngIiSh

DireCtions: Read the following text. ChoOSe the best WOrd(S) for each numbered blank and mark A, B. COrD On the ANSWER SHEET. (10 POmtS)

FIllid intelligence is the type Of intelligence that has to do With ShOrt-term memory and the ability to think quickly, IOgiCaIly5 and abstractly in Order to SOlVe new PrOblems. It _1_ in young adulthood. IeVelS OUt for a PeriOd Of time, and then _2_ StartS to SIOWly decline as We age. BUt _3_ aging is inevitable, SCientiStS are finding that Certain ChangeS in brain function may not be.

One StUdy found that muscle IOSS and the _4_ Of body fat around the abdomen are associated With a decline in fluid intelligence? ThiS SUggeStS the _5_ that IifeStyIe factors Inight help PreVent Or _6_ this type Of decline?

The researchers IOOked at data that _7_ measurements Of Iean muscle and abdominal fat from more than 4,000 middle-to-older-aged men and WOmen and _8_ that data to reported ChangeS in fluid intelligence OVer a six-year PeriOd? They found that middle-aged PeOPle _9_ higher measures Of abdominal fat _10_ WOrSe On measures Of fluid intelligence as the years _11_?

FOr women, the association may be _12_ to ChangeS in immunity that resulted from excess abdominal fat; in men, the immune SyStem did not appear to be _13_? It is hoped that future StUdieS COUld _14_ these differences and PerhaPS Iead to different —15_ for men and women.

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—16_ there are StePS you Can _17_ to help reduce abdominal fat and maintain Iean muscle mass as you age in Order to PrOteCt both your PhySiCal and mental _18_? The two highly recommended IifeStyle approaches are maintaining Or increasing your —19_ Of aerobic exercise and following Mediterranean-Style _20_ that is high in fiber and eliminates highly PrOCeSSed foods.

1. [A] PaUSeS [B] returns [C] PeakS [D] fades 2. [A] alternatively [B] formally [C] accidentally

[D] generally 3. [A] While [B] SinCe

[C] OnCe

[D] Until 4. [A] detection [B] accumulation? [C] COnSUmPtiOn

[D] SeParatiOn 5. [A] POSSibility [B] decision [C] goal

[D] requirement 6. [A] delay [B] ensure [C] Seek

[D] UtiliZe 7. [A] modified [B] SUPPOrted [C] included

[D] PrediCteCi 8. [A] devoted [B] COmPared [C] COnVerted

[D] applied 9. [A] With [B] above [C] by [D] against 10. [A] IiVed [B] managed [C] SCOred

[D] PIaYed 11. [A] ran OUt [B] Set Off [C] drew in

[D] Went by 12. [A] SIIPenOr [B] attributable [C] Paranel [D] resistant 13. [A] restored [B] isolated [C] involved

[D] COntrOlled 14. [A] alter

[B] SPread

[C] remove

[D] explain 15. [A] COmPenSatiOn [B] SymPtOmS [C] demands [D] treatments 16. [A] LikeWiSe [B] MeanWhiIe [C] TherefOre

[D] InSteaCI 17. [A] Change [B] WatCh [C] COUnt

[D] take

18. [A] WelI-being [B] PrOCeSS [C] formation [D] COOrdinatiOn 19. [A] IeVel [B] IOVe [C] knowledge [D] SPaCe 20. [A] design

[B] routine

[C] diet

[D] PreSCriPtiOn

SeCtiOn II Reading COmPrehenSiOn

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. AnSwer the questions below each text by ChooSiHg A, C Or D. Mark your answers On the ANSWER SHEET. (40 POintS)

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B, TeXt 1

HOW Can the train OPeratOrS POSSiblyjUStify yet another increase to rail PaSSenger fares? It has become a grimly reliable annual ritual: every JanUary the COSt Of travelling by train rises, imposing a SignifiCant extra burden On those WhO have no OPtiOn but to USe the rail network to get to WOrk Or OtherWiSe? ThiS years rise, an average Of 2.7 Per cent, may be a fraction IOWer than IaSt years, but it is Stiil Well above the OffiCial COnSUmer PriCe IndeX (CPr) measure Of inflation?

SUCCeSSiVe governments have Permitted SUCh increases On the grounds that the COSt Of investing in and ∏jnning the rail network ShOuld be borne by those WhO USe it, rather than the general taxpayer. Why, the argument goes, ShOUId a car-driving PenSiOner from LinCOlnShire have to SUbSidiSe the daily COnImUte Of a StOCkbrOker from Surrey? EqUany there is a SenSe that the travails Of COmmUterS in the SOUth East, many Of WhOm Will face among the biggest rises, have received too much attention COmPared to those WhO must endure the relatively POOr infrastructure Of the MidlandS and the NOrth?

However, OVer the PaSt 12 months, those COnImUterS have also experienced SOnIe Of the WOrSt rail StrikeS in years? It is all Very Wen train OPeratOrS trumpeting the improvements they are making to the network, but PaSSengerS ShOUld be able to expect a basic IeVel Of SerViCe for the SUbStantial SUmS they are now Paying to travel. The responsibility for the IateSt WaVe Of StrikeS rests On the unions. However, there is a StrOng CaSe that those WhO have been WOrSt affected by industrial action ShOUId receive COmPenSatiOn for the CliSrUPtiOn they have Suffered?

The GOVernment has PIedged to Change the IaW to introduce a minimum SerViCe requirement SO that, even When StrikeS occur, SerViCeS Can COntinUe to OPerate? ThiS ShOUId form Part Of a Wider PaCkage Of measures to address the IOng-running PrObIemS On BritainS railways. Yes, more investment is needed, but PaSSengerS Will not be Wining to Pay InOre indefinitely if they must also endure cramped, UnreIiable services, PUnCtUated by regular ChaOS When timetables are changed, Or Planned maintenance is Inanaged incompetently. The threat Of nationalisation may have been Seen Off for now, but it Will return With a VengeanCe if the justified anger Of PaSSengerS is not addressed in ShOrt order.

21 ? The author holds that this year,s increase in rail passengers* fares ___________ ?

[A] Win ease train OPeration,s burden. [B] has kept PaCe With inflation. [C] is a big SUrPriSe to COmmUterS? [D] remains an UnreaSOnable measure?

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