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Step 1..Greeting Hello,how are you? Good morning Stand up Sit down Step 2. Presentation 1.Learn the new words ball doll bear (1)Write the three words on the blackboars. (2)Read the words one by one.Try to spell the words. (3)Write them on the exercise book. 2.Look at the pictures and learn the sentence: I have a toy car. (1)Try to act the sentence (2)Make up some new sentences (3) Practice the sentence in pairs. Step 3 Practice (1)Play a game. (2)Read the words. (3)Speak some sentences with your partner. Step 4 Assessment Assessment by the team leader Step 5 Homework ,.

Read the words and spell the five words. 板书设计: Unit 1 Toys I have a toy car. ball doll bear 课后 反思

课 题 Unit1 Toys 4 第(3)课时 教学 内容 car. 授课时间 I have a toy 总课时数 Teaching aims 年 月 日 I have a toy car. Key-point the words: balloon teddy bear Teaching methods: 1 Do pair work. 2 Have a match A tape recorder some toys Teaching aids Teaching process 教案补充,.

或修正 Step 1.Warming-up Sing an English song Step 2. Presentation Teach the new words: car gun doll balloon teddy bear Read the words one by one Grasp the words The new phrases : a toy car a toy gun a doll a ball a balloon a teddy bear a bear Practice the phrases Step 3. Practice the phrases: I have ... Step 4. Chant Teach the chant and lead the students to know the meanings: You have a balloon. A big yellow balloon. I have a ball. A small brown ball. Purple balls, brown balls. Bounce, bounce, bounce. Bounce the ball. Lead the students to read it ,.

Listen to the tape Read it in groups Homework: Practice the words and phrases 板书设计: Unit 1 Toys I have a toy car. a toy car a toy gun a doll a ball a balloon a teddy bear a bear 课后 反思

课 题 Unit1 Toys 4 第(4)课时 教学 内容 car. 授课时间 I have a toy 总课时数 年 月 日 To learn chant ;To learn song Teaching To develop the students’ ability of listening and aims speaking Key-point the new chant the new song ,.

Teaching methods: 1 Do pair work. 2 Have a match A tape recorder Teaching aids Teaching process Step 1 Warming-up (1) Read the new words in last lesson (2) Say some sentences with the words (3)Free talk Step 2 Presentation (1)Listen to the tape. (2)Read the chant with the tape. (3)Read the chant followed teacher. (4)Read the chant in groups. (5)Listen to the tape (6)Read the words with teacher (7)Read and sing followed the tape (8)Let’s sing a song together Step 3 Practice (1)Chant with your friends 教案补充或修正



