申请(专利)号: JP19860145836
专利号: JPH0410263B2 主分类号: H04B1/74 申请权利人: 公开国代码: JP 优先权国家: JP
摘 要:
PURPOSE:To realize no-instantaneous interruption circuit switching even under a bad receiving condition, by utilizing the frame synchronized pulse signals of PCM multiplex signals inputted from a PCM terminal equipment for the current circuit switching and phase difference detection of the received data of a stand-by circuit. CONSTITUTION:The system change-over switch 2 of a transmitting terminal has received a parallel connecting
instruction from a receiving terminal side and a stand-by circuit 100 is connected in parallel with the currently used circuit 101, and the same PCM multiplex signal SYS1IN is sent to both the circuits 101 and 100 and the same signal having different phases are received at the receiving terminal side. When the switching instruction input 14' of the
stand-by circuit is inputted to the delayed bit difference counting circuits D and
D124B of the stand-by side and the state is changed from 'L' to 'H', a binary counter starts the counting of input pulses and obtains an output signals 13'. Since the output data signal of the stand-by side
申请日: 1986-06-20 公开公告日: 1992-02-24
分类号: H04B1/74;
H04L1/22 发明设计人: 申请国代码: JP
优先权: 19860620 JP
摘 要 附 图:
becomes the same in phase as the data of the currently used side, the outputs of a stand-by selector 123B and the currently used selector 123A are switched to each other at the receiving terminal side
change-over switch 9 through U-B circuit 8, respectively, in a hitless state. 主权项:
权 利 要 求 说 明 书
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