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高中英语 unit2reading1 新人教版必修5

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高中英语 unit2reading1 新人教版必修5

I. 课文理解

1.what does the second paragraph of the passage tell us? A. Wales was linked to England in the thirteenth century.

B. The reason why the southern part of Ireland was unwilling to join the


C. The process of the country came into being

D. The British national flag stands for the four parts of the country. 2. When did the country get its present name “Great Britain”? A. In the first century AD. B. In the thirteenth century C. In the seventeenth century D. In the early twentieth century. 3. Which of the following is the British national flag? A. Cross of Andrew B. Cross of George C. Cross of St. Patrick D. Union Jack

4.How many British football teams do you think can compete in the world cup? A. one B. Two C. Three D. Four 5. Who first built the city of London?

A.The Anglo-Saxons B. The Romans

C. The first invaders D. French conquer. II.根据课文填空 III.课文要点

1. How many countries does the UK__________ __________ (由….组成)。 2.Who rules the UK: ________ __________ __________ (首相,总理)or the Queen? 3. Can you name(翻译)________________the capital cities of the countries of the UK?

4. England can________ __________ __________ (被分成) three main areas.

5. People may wonder why different words are used________ __________ (描述) these four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 6.You can clarify(翻译) __________this question if you study British history.

7. Wales ________ __________ ________(与…..连接)it in the thirteenth century.

8. Now when people ________ ________ (提到,涉及)England you find Wales__________ (include的形式) as well.

9.Happily this was__________ (完成) without __________ (冲突) When King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales as well.

10.Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth century to__________ (形成) the United Kingdom by getting Ireland __________ (connect的形式) in the same peaceful way.

11.This was shown to the world in a new flag________(call的形式,此处为________做________) the Union Jack.

12. ________ ________ ________(值得赞扬) the four countries do (此处表示________,译为________)work together in some areas.

13.Northern Ireland, England and Scotland have different educational and________ ________(法律体系) as well as different football teams for__________ (比赛) like the World Cup!

14.England is the largest of the four countries, and for convenience it is divided roughly into three zones.(translation)


15.You find most of the population__________ (settle的形式) in the south. 定居下来,安下心来__________ __________

16.Although , nationwide, these cities are__________ __________ __________

________ (不如…….大)those in China.

倍数表达法:1)This house is twice as big as that one. 2) This house is twice bigger than that one. 3) This house is twice the size of that one.


17. ________ ________ ________ __________ ________(可惜的是)the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors. It在此处做__________真正的主语是________________________________ ☆have/take pity on sb./sth. 同情某人或某物 我们同情那些无家可归的人,让他们住进我们的房子。

______________________________________________________________________ 18.It has the oldest port __________ (build的形式) by the Romans in the first century AD, the oldest building__________ (begin的形式) by the Anglo-Saxons in the 1060s and the oldest castle__________ (construct的形式) by later Norman rulers in 1066.


19.There has been four sets of__________ (入侵者,侵略者) of England. 20.You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile.(translation)


21.You will live in a town close to the in England in a furnished(__________)house with all modern.

I want to rent a little room to write the book.(translation)

____________________________________________________________________ 22.we need you to __________ __________ __________(对…熟悉) the and the

rules for such a project.

23.All of the words below can __________ __________ __________ __________(代替) said. 同



_____________________ IV.跟踪训练

1. The teacher’s job____ giving lessons to students and taking care of them.

A. makes up B. takes up C. consists of D. gives up 2. A huge fire____ last night and many houses were burnt down.

A. took place B. took the place C. in its place D. took its place 3.

高中英语 unit2reading1 新人教版必修5


