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江苏信息职业技术学院 毕业设计(论文)
题目: 音乐网站的设计与实现
系 别: 物联网工程学院 专 业: 计算机应用技术 学 号: 1317023203 姓 名: 司马蓓蕾 指导老师: 叶春
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随着计算机技术和Internet的不断发展,网络上不管是各类的大型游戏、小说电影还是各种网站都层出不穷。在当今时代的潮流下,音乐已经是生活中不可或缺的存在,人们也不在局限于从磁带光碟中听音乐,而是跟上潮流的脚步,也为了能让音乐共享,音乐网站的存在是必不可少的。本系统采用VS2005作为系统开发工具,本系统对多种计算机语言的对比之后,采用的是C语言来作为这次系统的开发语言;由于本系统是一个小型系统,所以我们以SQL Server 2005作后台的数据支持,易于实现。 关键词: ASP.NET 音乐网站 B/S
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With the continuous development of computer technology and Internet, the network whether it is a variety of large-scale games, novels, movies or websites are emerging. In the trend of the times, music is indispensable in life, people are not confined to listen to music from a tape disc, but keep up with the pace of the trend, but also to allow the sharing of music, music website is essential. The system uses VS2005 as a system development tool, the system after a variety of advantages and disadvantages of the comparison, the use of C# as the system development language; because the system is a small system, so we use Server SQL 2005 as the background data support, easy to achieve.
KEY WORDS: ASP.NET Online Music sites B/S