106(论悬赏广告的法律效力 107(论格式合同(标准合同) 108(论合同解释原则 109(论有限合伙 110(论隐名合伙
111(论买卖合同的特征与意义 112(论隐私权 113(论名誉权 114(论精神损害赔偿 115(论效力待定的民事行为 116(论无效民事行为 117(论可撤销的民事行为 婚姻家庭法与继承法
to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except
where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit
1( 论婚姻家庭法与民法的关系
2( 论当代夫妻财产制发展的趋势及原因 3( 论违反婚姻家庭法的法律责任
4( 论保护儿童最大利益原则作为婚姻家庭法的基本原则
5( 大陆法系亲权制度与英美法系父母对未成年子女监护制度之比较 6( 非婚生子女保护制度评析 7( 人工生殖法律问题研究 8( 论修改继承法的指导思想 9( 论代位继承的性质和特点
10( 论遗产种类的复杂性和多样性 11( 论遗产的法律特征
12( 论被继承人债务的确定和清偿 13( 论债权、债务的继承 14( 论知识产权的继承 15( 论财产法律地位的继承 16( 论遗嘱自由的限制 刑法部分
1( 刑法在法律体系中的地位研究 2( 论刑法的机能 3( 论刑罚权的根据 4( 罪刑法定原则研究 5( 论罪责刑相适应原则
6( 论刑法面前人人平等原则 7( 刑法溯及力问题研究 8( 刑法立法方法研究 9( 刑法解释研究 10( 刑事司法解释研究 11( 刑事判例研究 12( 犯罪论体系研究 13( 论犯罪的特征
14( 中外犯罪构成理论比较研究 15( 刑事法律关系研究 16( 刑事责任研究 17( 论犯罪化与非犯罪化 18( 犯罪课题研究 19( 论刑法上的行为
20( 论不作为 21( 持有型犯罪研究 22( 刑法因果关系研究
23( 西方国家刑法因果关系理论评介 24( 刑事责任能力研究
to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel,
as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit
25( 精神障碍与刑事责任能力 26( 法人犯罪研究 27( 论犯罪故意 28( 论犯罪过失 29( 论业务过失犯罪 30( 论犯罪目的 31( 论犯罪动机
32( 论刑法上的认识错误 33( 严格责任犯罪研究 34( 论犯罪既遂 35( 论犯罪预备 36( 论犯罪未遂 37( 论犯罪中止 38( 论共同犯罪 39( 论有组织犯罪
40( 实行犯及其刑事责任研究 41( 帮助犯及其刑事责任研究 42( 教唆犯及其刑事责任研究 43( 论共同犯罪人的分类 44( 论主犯的处罚
45( 论从犯的处罚 46( 论胁从犯的处罚
47( 论一罪与数罪的区分标准 48( 论想象竞合犯