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Ministry of Land and Resources Plans to Find Out Support Capabilities of Mineral Resources

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Ministry of Land and Resources Plans to Find Out

Support Capabilities of Mineral Resources including Copper, Lead, Zinc and Nickel


【期刊名称】《中国有色金属月刊:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)011

【摘要】<正>On September 10,the Ministry of Land and Resources(MLR)revealed on its website that it decided to carry out a research on the support capability of main mineral resources in China for national economy and social development by 2024,2025 and 2030.According to MLR,China’s research and argumentation on support capacity of important 【总页数】2页(P.1-2)

【关键词】decided Zinc carry completed Shanxi Chongqing prod 【作者】; 【作者单位】; 【正文语种】英文 【中图分类】F426.32 【相关文献】

1.The Ministry of Land and Resources Supports the Western Region to Intensify Efforts in Prospecting and Developing Advantageous Mineral Resources [J],

2.In 2012 Qinghai Newly Discovered 2.36 Million Tonnes of Copper, Lead and Zinc and 440,000 tonnes of Nickel in 14 ore fields [J],

3.Qinghai Invested 8.7 Billion Yuan Over 5 Years in Mine Prospecting to Harvest 8.80 Million tonnes of Copper, Nickel , Lead & Zinc [J],

4.Comparative Study of Gacun and Youre Silver-Lead-Zinc-Copper Deposits in Sichuan, SW China, and their Mineralization Significance [J], DANG Yuan; CHEN Maohong; FU Bin; XUE Zhiqiang

5.Five Major State-Level Copper,Lead, Zinc Resource Succession Bases in Tibet Have Initially Taken Shape [J],


Ministry of Land and Resources Plans to Find Out Support Capabilities of Mineral Resources


