教学 环节 时间 安排 师生双边活动 主要内容 4. Lan guage poin ts: (\for (2) no matter (3) go wrong (4) arrive at (5) fall asleep 及教法运用 备注 Expla nati on 新 20' (6) put out (7) i n time (8) be determ ined to (9) at the hotel (10) in time Practice 课 10' 5. Read the passage and ask questio ns. Sum up: 1. Situation expressions; 归纳 总结 Writing 2. Words and structures. 5' Assignment: .Read the new words and passage Oral 布置 作业 5' Homework 考 勤 教学体会 见教学日志 (教学环节一般包括复习旧课、导入新课、讲授新课、学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等课 题 教学目标 (包括知识目标、能 力目标、情感目标) 教材分析 (包括教学重点、 教学难点) 教学方法 (包括教法、学法) Unit 1 what a won derful time! 1、 To learn some phonetics 2、 To learn the grammar \1、 some phonetics 2、 some use of \Comb ined 教学过程设计 教学 环节 主要内容 时间 安排 师生双边活动 及教法运用 备注 Review: 复习 Pair work 10' 1. Read and ide ntify new words; 2. Read the passage; 3. have a dictati on. Phonetics: 10' 1、 Listen and read the phonetics and the words. 2、 Put some words in the proper basket accordi ng to the pronun ciati on of the endin gs. Grammar: Exclamation liste ning 讲 15' We use exclamati ons to express our surprise, an ger, or other strong emoti ons. Exclamati ons are ofte n con structed with how/what or with so/such. For example: Expla nati on 授 You are so sweet! 教学 环节 时间 安排 10' 师生双边活动 主要内容 及教法运用 备注 新 We use what+adjective before an uncoun table or a plural noun. Eg: What lovely flowers! What beautiful weather! Expla nati on 课 15' Vocabulary: Some words about direct ion: N=n orth; S=south an alysis E=east; W=west NE=n orthwest; NW=no rthwest SE=southeast; SW=southwest 操 Practice: 1、Tick the exclamations from the 25' follow ing senten ces. 2、 Choose a proper adjective to write an exclamation for each of the picture. 3、 Complete the sen ten ces with the correct words from the box. 练 Practice 布置 作业 5' Sum up: Make use of the grammar. Homework 考 勤 教学体会 见教学日志 (教学环节一般包括复习旧课、导入新课、讲授新课、学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等)课 题 教学目标 (包括知识目标、能 力目标、情感目标) 教材分析 (包括教学重点、 教学难点) 教学方法 (包括教法、学法) Unit 2 Family and Frie nds 1、 get information about friendship is 2、 talk about your family and friends 1、 some information about the section of warm-up 2、 situation expressions about talking over the family and friends PPP &ESA 教学过程设计 教学 环节 导入 新课 时间 安排 10' 主要内容 师生双边活动 及教法运用 备注 Lead-in: say somethi ng about frie ndship Pair work 10' Words and expressions: 1、ask the students to pronounce; 2、play the tape for the students to liste n and repeat. 5, Read ing Dialogues: Family relatio nships Dialogue 1 1、 Listen to the tape and answer 20' the questio ns. 讲 2、 Situation expressions: (1) Is she your mother's sister? No, she's my father's sister. (2) How long have you known each other? A very long time, since I was a kid. (3) Do they live far away from you? Expla nati on