2019智慧树知到超星尔雅网课答案大全 第1章 单元测试
1、Wugu (五谷) includes sesame. 答案:错
2、Kuai zhi (脍炙) is a way of cooking meat. 答案:对
3、“目光如豆” is similar to the American idiom describing people who are as blind as bats. 答案:错
4、Iron is believed to facilitate weight loss for females. 答案:对
5、“孔融让梨” and “推枣让梨” share similar moral connotations of respecting the elders and taking good care of the young. 答案:对
6、“青梅煮酒论英雄” tells us a story about Cao Cao and Guan Yu. 答案:错
7、“桃之夭夭, 灼灼其华” stems from “Records of the Grand Historian” (《史记》). 答案:错
8、“桃李不言, 下自成蹊” is a phrase used to acclaim Li
Guang, a great general in the East Han dynasty. 答案:错
第2章 单元测试
1、What are the six domesticated animals, or “六畜” in Chinese?
答案:Sheep, horse, ox, pig, rooster, and dog.
2、Diligence, undependability, strength and determination are some of major qualities attached to ox by ancient Chinese. 答案:False.
3、The idiom “牛刀小试” means that a person with great potentials gives a little inkling of what he is capable of.
4、Sheep, chicken, and pig are the three most commonly used sacrifice in ancient China. 答案:False.
5、Why do many piggy banks take the image of pig?
答案:Because pigs in some places symbolize good harvest and wealth.
6、Which of the following idioms formed by the
combination of Chicken and dog is positive in meanings? 答案:鸡犬桑麻.
7、Which of the following idioms formed by the
combination of Dragon and Phoenix is negative in meanings? 答案:攀龙附凤. 第3章 单元测试
1、Which of the following expressions is used to describe offspring’s gratitude to their parents. 答案:春晖寸草
2、Which of the following statements about “草” is NOT true according to the passage?
答案:It is often described as either small or large. 3、Which expression depicts a selfsufficient and quiet life?
4、“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山” are wellknown lines written by _.
5、Chinese people express their steadfast loyalty with _. 答案:卡方检验,它是非参数检验的一种方法,来检验变量的几个取值所占百分比是否和我们期望的比例没有统计学差异。比如我们在人群中抽取了一个样本,可以用该方法来分析四种血型所占的比例是否相同(都是25%),或者是否符合我们所给出的一个比例(如分别为10%、30%、40%和20%)。 第4章 单元测试
1、Originally, “日出而作, 日入而息” came from a song popular in _.
答案:Xian Qin (先秦)
2、Li Shen (李绅) was a poet of the _ Dynasty. 答案:Tang
3、Which of the following statements about Su Shi (苏轼) is false?
答案:He has never been to Danzhou (儋州).
4、Which of the following idioms describes the weather
ancient farmers pray for? 答案:五风十雨
5、Which of the following idioms originates from the
story in Romance of the Three Kingdoms (《三国演义》)? 答案:万事俱备, 只欠东风 第5章 单元测试
1、A synonym for “水” is __. 答案:川
2、Which one of the following is NOT included in the five most renowned mountains Wu Yue (五岳) in China? 答案:Mount Huang (黄山)
3、Which of the following men is related to the idiom “覆水难收”?
答案:Jiang Ziya (姜子牙)
4、In the idiom “水能载舟亦能覆舟”, Wei Zheng (魏征) compared the collective power of water to that of __. 答案:ordinary people
5、The goddess of “巫山神女” is _. 答案:3 percent
6、Which of the following idioms is NOT used to describe the beauty of a woman? 答案:巫山云雨
7、Which of the following idioms best suggests the spirit of “selfless devotion to public welfare”? 答案:过门不入
8、Which of the following idioms best suggests the spirit of “toughminded and independent as a key player to
confront challenges and conquer difficulties”? 答案:中流砥柱