Chapter 8: Strategy and Analysis in Using Net Present Value
8.1 Go directly: NPV = 0.5 ? $20 million + 0.5 ? $5 million
= $12.5 million
Test marketing: NPV = -$2 million + (0.75 ? $20 million + 0.25 ? $5 million) / 1.15
= $12.13 million
Go directly to the market.
8.2 Focus group: -$120,000 + 0.70 ? $1,200,000 = $720,000 Consulting firm: -$400,000 + 0.90 ? $1,200,000 = $680,000 Direct marketing: 0.50 ? $1,200,000 = $600,000 The manager should conduct a focus group.
8.3 Price more aggressively:
-$1,300,000 + (0.55 ? 0) + 0.45 ? (-$550,000)
= -$1,547,500 Hire lobbyist:
-$800,000 + (0.75 ? 0) + 0.25 ? (-$2,000,000)
= -$1,300,000
Tandem should hire the lobbyist.
8.4 Let sales price be x.
Depreciation = $600,000 / 5 = $120,000
BEP: ($900,000 + $120,000) / (x - $15) = 20,000 x = $66
8.5 The accounting break-even = (120,000 + 20,000) / (1,500 - 1,100) = 350 units 8.6 a. The accounting break-even = 340,000 / (2.00 - 0.72) = 265,625 abalones
b. [($2.00 ? 300,000) - (340,000 + 0.72 ? 300,000)] (0.65) = $28,600
This is the after tax profit.
8.7 EAC = $140,000 / ?70.15 = $33,650 Depreciation = $140,000 / 7 = $20,000
BEP = {$33,650 + $340,000 ? 0.65 - $20,000 ? 0.35} / {($2 - $0.72) ? 0.65} = 297,656.25
? 297,657 units
Answers to End-of-Chapter Problems B-91
8.8 8.9 8.10
Depreciation = $200,000 / 5 = $40,000 EAC = $200,000 / ?50.12 = $200,000 / 3.60478 = $55,482
BEP = {$55,482 + $350,000 ? 0.75 - $40,000 ? 0.25} / {($25 - $5) ? 0.75} = 20,532.13 ? 20533 units Let I be the break-even purchase price. Incremental C0 Sale of the old machine $20,000 Tax effect 3,400 Total $23,400 Depreciation per period = $45,000 / 15 = $3,000
Book value of the machine = $45,000 - 5 ? $3,000 = $30,000
Loss on sale of machine = $30,000 - $20,000 = $10,000 Tax credit due to loss = $10,000 ? 0.34 = $3,400
Incremental cost savings: $10,000 (1 - 0.34) = $6,600 Incremental depreciation tax shield: [I / 10 - $3,000] (0.34)
The break-even purchase price is the Investment (I), which makes the NPV be zero. NPV = 0 = -I + $23,400 + $6,600 ?100.15 + [I / 10 - $3,000] (0.34) ?100.15 = -I + $23,400 + $6,600 (5.0188) + I (0.034) (5.0188) - $3,000 (0.34) (5.0188) I = $61,981 Pessimistic:
= -$420,000 + ?= -$123,021.71 = -$420,000 + = $247,814.17
1.13t---------------------------------------------------------精品 文档---------------------------------------------------------------------
= -$420,000 +
1.13t = $653,146.42
Even though the NPV of pessimistic case is negative, if we change one input while all
others are assumed to meet their expectation, we have all positive NPVs like the one before. Thus, this project is quite profitable.
Pessimistic Unit sales Price
Variable costs Fixed costs
23,000 $38 $21 $320,000
$132,826.30 $104,079.33 $175,946.75 $190,320.24
8.11 Pessimistic: NPV = -$1,500,000
8.12 NPV = ?1,500,000?
113.t = -$675,701.68
Expected: NPV = -$1,500,000
+?5?120,000?0.25?$120?$70??$800,000??0.60?$300,000?0.40 $399,304.88
Optimistic: NPV = -$1,500,000
1.13t = $1,561,468.43
The expected present value of the new tennis racket is $428,357.21. (Assuming there are equal chances of the 3 scenarios occurring.)
= $251,581.17
The 3% drop in market share hurt significantly more than the 10,000 increase in market size helped. However, if the drop were only 2%, the effects would be about even. Market size is going up by over 8%, thus it seems market share is more important than market size.
Answers to End-of-Chapter Problems B-93
8.13 a.
8.14 a.
NPV = -$10,000,000 + ( $750, 000 ? ?10.10) = -$5,391,574.67
Revised NPV = -$10,000,000 + $750,000 / 1.10 + [(.5 ? $1,500,000 ? ?.910) + (.5 ? $200,000 )] / 1.10 = -$5,300,665.58
Option value of abandonment = -$5,300,665.58 – ( -$5,391,574.67 )
= $90,909.09 NPV = -$100M + ( $100 ? 2M ? ?10.20) = $738.49Million $50M = C?.920
C = $12.40 Million (or 1.24 Million units )
2010年读书节活动方案 一、 活动目的: 书是人类的朋友,书是人类进步的阶梯!为了拓宽学生的知识面,通过开展“和书交朋友,遨游知识大海洋”系列读书活动,激发学生读书的兴趣,让每一个学生都想读书、爱读书、会读书,从小养成热爱书籍,博览群书的好习惯,并在读书实践活动中陶冶情操,获取真知,树立理想! 二、活动目标: 1、通过活动,建立起以学校班级、个人为主的班级图书角和个人小书库。 2、通过活动,在校园内形成热爱读书的良好风气。 3、通过活动,使学生养成博览群书的好习惯。 4、通过活动,促进学生知识更新、思维活跃、综合实践能力的提高。 三、活动实施的计划 1、 做好读书登记簿 (1) 每个学生结合个人实际,准备一本读书登记簿,具体格式可让学生根据自己喜好来设计、装饰,使其生动活泼、各具特色,其中要有读书的内容、容量、实现时间、好词佳句集锦、心得体会等栏目,高年级可适当作读书笔记。 (2) 每个班级结合学生的计划和班级实际情况,也制定出相应的班级读书目标和读书成长规划书,其中要有措施、有保障、有效果、有考评,简洁明了,易于操作。 (3)中队会组织一次“读书交流会”展示同学们的读书登记簿并做出相应评价。 2、 举办读书展览: 各班级定期举办“读书博览会”,以“名人名言”、格言、谚语、经典名句、“书海拾贝”、“我最喜欢的___”、“好书推荐”等形式,向同学们介绍看过的新书、好书、及书中的部分内容交流自己在读书活动中的心得体会,在班级中形成良好的读书氛围。 3、 出读书小报: ---------------------------------------------------------精品 文档---------------------------------------------------------------------
Answers to End-of-Chapter Problems B-95