— We would like to get in with the fall publication* if possible. A. Whax product ore we talking flbout?
B? Which edition would you like your advertisement to appear in? C. How much do you phn to spend on advertisement? 2.一 Your bank is huge! h must have many departments
A. It true> Our bank consists of many deportmentM- R Thank you# our bank is a small one. C You are kidding! Our bank is a small one-
—It will take at least three weeksu
A. When will you finish our TV commercial? How long did you finish our TV commercial? C. How soon will you finish our TV commercial?
4. — You want to know about the value added tax. don't you?
A. Yes. you need to introduce it for me. Yes. I must know everything about it.
C. Ycs? could you give me a brief overview of it? 5. — So could you mnke an exception and accept D/P?
A> 1 shall tell you frankly it would drastically increase our nsk. K Thanks, we arc inclined tu accept your price. C. Yes. we have alrcaciy tried our best.
[择境空小?2分.共甘3。 分)
6?20 Bt:(M读下BB的句于,从A.H.C三个逸顼中选出一个能境入空白地的.仕逸项,并将答
6. We are full of confidence
A- tn
the Ching fnnrkcu
H> on
C. with
7. Who ________ the inspection certificate?
A. publifthcn C. sugKestA
8. Our currtnl Agent ngrremrntK nrc _ _ regionst
A. broken in C. broken into
9. Remember we want to crcntc A (orwArdUooking unngc __________________ increesc the
awarene** ol our brnnd.
A. an well C apart from
10. ________ ■ our customer was very hnppy with the quulity of service.
A. ReKnrdlean of it Ct NcedlcMn to nay
IL [ he dikitnl imnftc procesMinu of this copier in n prime reason you can _ it-
A. deal with C> give up
12. A succriUul proRram nho tells the consumer how thr producl L better than oHerinKs by ? A< manAger? (L cornpctilorM
13. Corporate advertiMing in not ____________ concerned with incrcaning the snlcn of n
pMrficuhr product or service^
A. profesnionnlly C. completely
l,? W浏.I will get the mjirket survey ____ _____ with my colleagues.
A. started C to be started
15> The Mndbags Mopped her property from ____________ .
A* to be flcxxiinc C? being flooded
16. A situation arulyniw can help define the problem and make clear what additionul information _________ .
A? ncedffd C\\ need*
17. AT\\ft have become very uirful ____________ they allow you io check biiUnm. make deposit> withdraw fund* and transfer money.
B, bernu!K
C then
bank consists of many deportments, each of ______________ ig responsible for ?
pantcuhr arm of business.
X what C which
& that H needed — bdryt Hoodina R. start H directly
B* broken up with
H. instead of
B. Helplenft to do
count on
_______ morc manageable, we divided the sandbags onio two pallets (甲板车 L A* To make it
Making h
C Make H
20.One nujar benefit of online advertising is the immediate spread of information by geography or time A. that linn” C which is limited
B. that Is not limited
三读理(每小是,分.共it 4。分)
21-25g:fflSfflA内容列断始出的语句是否正??正?的的宫■矿■,并转答案写 在答通峨上.
Product adveniAing i? an important pan ol marketing. It aims al increasing sales by m?ldng ■ product or service
known to a wider ?udience. ?nd by empha^iiing its positive qualities. A company can advertise in various ways,depending on how much it wishes to spend. There are different media for advertising including televisionf radio# newspapers? magazines< the Internet and direct miiiL The design ond organisation of advertising campaigns is usually the job of an advertising agency. A good advertising program tells potential customers why they need the productt how it is used and the benefits derived from its usc> A successful program also tellit the consumer how the product 15 belter than similar offerings by competitors
Corporate advertising is not directly concerned wnh increasing the sales of a particulnr product or service, but more with the brand image and reputalion n company wants to present to the general public or within an industry^ Corporate advertising comes in three different type<>: image advertising, opinion advertising and investment advertising. Image advertising attempts to promote the importnnee of a company. Opinion advertising presents the impression of doing a public service by addressing the importance of a company. Investment advertising is designed to attract potential investors-
21. Generally t an advcrtining ngcncy is responsible for designing und organizing a productf s advertisement 22. It is not ncce5sary to consider the budget ol an advertisement in choosing a inedin for advertising. 23- There nre only three types of media used in Advertising. 24. Product advertising is diffcrem from corporate advertising. 25. This passage is mainly about the history of advertising.
26?30 H:侧读短文.从A.H、C三个选项中选出一个正瑞答案,并将答案序号写在答规雄上。
Roles and Functions of Banks
The roles and (unclions of bank* have changed over the years. Today the ?ervicc? that a bank offers depend on the type of bank and the country. Many of the larger banks may deal in financinl inMrutncntx such HB jihare certiGentrs. certificjitrR of depowi , nnd hilln of exchange. A firuincial instrument in a legal document It shows that money has been lent or borrowed# invested or pnssed from one account to another.
Some hank* fllrn) offer online banking nnd infiurnnce to thetr cufttonirra. Howeverv one o( the bg? functions of ? bank i? to provide serviced relnted ro the storing and management of money. Thc^r ncrvtcea include McrcptinR drponiUt making loiniMi paying or chfirgihK intcresitt iranAfernnw nnd investing money. providin? ATM network% nnd MO on. Nowndttyn. online banking allow* 眼 lo Hnve more chniccw And services? including opc?nir)K nc:count9< trnnsfrrnng money between /iccounrs. paying bills nnd even getting loan?.