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教材版本:PEP小学英语五年级上册第二单元 课题 Unit2 My week 课型 PartA Let’s try Let’s talk 主备人 王耀培 备课时间 课时 1 一、课程标准 1. 能根据录音模仿说话; 2. 能交流简单的个人信息; 3. 能在教师的指导下用英语游戏,并进行简单的交际和角色扮演。 二、教材解析 本课时为本单元第一课时,课文展开一段情景对话,引入新授句型“What do you have on Thursdays”,并进行回答“I have ...”谈论自己的课程表和时间安排。 Let’s try为导入部分的听力内容,John和爷爷用目标句型“What do you have on Thursdays”进行交流,在提高听力技能的同时,对文本起到很好的导入作用。 在拓展训练中,同学之间可以谈论一星期的课程以及所做的事,加强彼此的了解,鼓励他们在口常交际中多使用英语进行交流。 三、目标预设 1. 能够正确、熟练地朗读对话,做到语调、重音地道自然。 2. 通过角色扮演、对话表演到创设情景,能运用所学词汇和句型编创一段不少于5句的对话,谈论自己的课程表。 四、重难点预设 1. 文本内容中出现cooking class这个词汇,对于大多数学生来说,这个词比较生疏,并不难理解,上节课已经对课程用PE class, music class进行了练习。 2. 对于中后进生,尽量鼓励他们参加创编活动,从少到多,多参与,多练习。 五、评价设计

1. 用听音跟读、Pair work、角色扮演等活动检测目标1的达成情况; 2. 利用指定词汇自创对话检测目标2的达成情况。 六、教学设计 第 1 课时 教学环节 1. Sing a song. 一、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) 2. Revision Do you remember Mr Young What’s he like Is he a maths teacher He is John’s art teacher. 1. 导入:What does John have on Wednesdays He has ... Does John like Wednesdays What does John’s grandpa have on Wednesdays 2. Listen and fill in the blanks: What do you have on Wednesdays I have . 3. Present the talk 二、呈现新课 (Presentation) Listen to the talk and try to say. He has , and on Thursdays. Listen and read the new words: Wednesday Thursday Find out the way to remember the words. 4. Read again, then answer the question. What does John’s grandpa do on Thursdays He has a cooking class with John’s grandma. 5. Listen and imitate. 6. Read the talk in pairs. Show the talk in groups. 教学预设

1. Survey: Prepare some lists for each group. There are different classes on each list. The students discuss and fill in the list below. Name 三、趣味操练(Practice) Mike Chen Jie John Wednesday art Thursday maths, English, music 2. Show time: each group choose some kids to say about the list. With the sentence: has and on . 四、小结 (Summary) The students talk about the contents of this class. 1. Make a short talk on your notebook, show with 五、作业设计 your partner next class. 创编一个小对话,下节课和你的搭档一起展示。 六、板书设计: Unit 2 My week A Let’s talk What do you do on Thursdays Who’s your music teacher Is he strict Oh, I have a cooking class with your grandma!



