【期刊名称】《中国性科学》 【年(卷),期】2013(022)004
【摘要】Objectives :To explore the clinical value of the practice of the non - prolapsed uterus via transvaginal hysterectomy (TVH) for obese patient. Methods:Patients with non - prolapsed uterus were divided into two groups after they have been ruled out of malignant lesions. Patients in the first group were treated by TVH and the second with transabdominal hysterectomy (TAH). Results:The mean operating time, the mean blood loss, postoperative fever rate, as well as the length of stay of the TVH group were significantly lower than that of TAH group (P<0.05) , and postoperative time of flatus of the patients in TVH group were significantly earlier than that of the patients from TAH group (P < 0. 05 ). Conclusions:Compared with patients who were treated by TAH, those treated by TVH demonstrate no incision scar, no problems in wound healing, shorter operating time and lighter postoperative pain. The interference with patients' digestive system is lighter, showing an earlier functional recovery of stomach and intestine. The patients could be discharged from hospital in 3 - 5 days after operation. Based on the above observations , TVH is an ideal operating method for future promotion.%目的:探讨对肥胖患者非脱垂子宫经阴道(阴式)切除的临床应用价
值.方法:对术前已排除恶性病变的非脱垂子宫有切除子宫指征的肥胖患者,分为阴式(TVH)和腹式(TAH)两组进行临床观察.结果:阴式组较腹式组平均手术时间短(P<0.05),平均出血量少(P<0.05),术后疼痛、发热率低(P<0.05),肛门排气时间早(P<0.05),术后平均住院时间短(P<0.05).结论:TVH较TAH腹壁不留切口疤痕、无伤口愈合不良、手术时间短、损伤小、腹腔干扰轻、术后胃肠功能恢复早、疼痛轻、发热率低,术后3~5d出院.对于肥胖的子宫良性病变的患者,阴式子宫切除是一种理想术式,值得推广和应用. 【总页数】3页(6-8)
【关键词】肥胖;非脱垂子宫;全子宫切除术;阴式子宫切除;腹式子宫切除 【作者】陈家莲;杨盛琼;张未;邓黎
【作者单位】宜宾市第二人民医院妇科,四川,宜宾,644000 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_chinese-journal-human-sexuality_thesis/0201238058220.html 【相关文献】
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