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初一七年级英语下册外研版Module 11 Body language 训练 测试卷

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Module 11 达标测试卷

时间:90分钟 满分:120分

第一卷 听力部分(20分)

一、关键词语选择(每小题1分,满分5分) ( )1. A. hands B. land

C. band ( )2. A. catch B. teach C. touch ( )3. A. know B. bow C. grow ( )4. A. kiss

B. miss

C. guess ( )5. A. each other B. the other

C. the others


( )6. What do they do when they meet friends in the US?

( )7. Where is Betty from?

( )8. Where did Jack hurt?

( )9. Where are the two speakers?

( )10. How do people say goodbye in Japan?

第1页 共9页


听下面一段对话,回答第11和12小题。 ( )11. Who knows any body language? A. Linda. B. Peter. C. Jim.

( )12. What will Linda do when she meets Tom? A. She'll hug him. B. She'll kiss him.

C. She'll shake hands with him. 听下面一段对话,回答第13至15小题。 ( )13. Where is the girl from? A. America. B. Australia. C. England.

( )14. Why does the girl come to China? A. To see her parents. B. To go travelling. C. To find a job.

( )15. What will the girl do next year? A. She will work in China. B. She will work in Japan. C. She will stay in her own country.


第2页 共9页

Memory People who have good memories The time when people learn their language The children living in foreign countries The students in school That's why we can 16. ________ things after a long time. They can easily learn many things by 17. ________. Everybody learns his own language when he is a 18. ________ child. They can learn 19. ________ languages easily. It is 20. ________ for them to learn a foreign language because they have little time for it. 第二卷 笔试部分(100分)


( )21. Here ________ some books and a pen for you. A. be

B. are

C. is

D. being

( )22. —Jimmy, ________ read books while you are walking in the street. It's really


—You are right. I won't do it again. A. don't

B. won't

C. can't

D. shouldn't

( )23. It's not ________ to laugh at other people. A. helpful

B. polite

C. difficult

D. interesting

( )24. Russian people's body language is ________ that of Japanese. A. different from C. the same as

B. different in D. the same

( )25. China ________ the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. I'm sure it will be a great

success. A. hold

B. will hold

C. were held D. will be held

第3页 共9页

初一七年级英语下册外研版Module 11 Body language 训练 测试卷


