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Section Ⅲ Discovering Useful Structures Grammar — Tag Questions (附加疑问句) [新知导引] 诵读下列例句并感知画线部分的共性 1.(教材P40)It's not a real sport, is it? 2.(教材P40)That sounds interesting, doesn't it? 3.(教材P40)Hi! It's a beautiful day, isn't it? 4.(教材P40)Come along and join us, will you? 5.(教材P40)By the way, our school soccer team won at last, didn't they? [共性呈现] 1.所有画线部分都是附加疑问句。 2.句1为陈述句为否定句的附加疑问句。 3.句2,3,5 为陈述句为肯定句的附加疑问句。 4.句4为祈使句的附加疑问句。 [语法精释] 一、附加疑问句的定义 附加疑问句,又称反义疑问句,主要用于口语,其作用是说话人向对方验证自己的陈述或者判断,也可以用于祈使句表示请求或者建议。 二、附加疑问句的构成 附加疑问句包括陈述部分和附加疑问部分。附加疑问部分一般由助动词、be动词或情态动词和表示主语的代词构成。 组成 例句 You often play badminton, don't you? 肯定式陈述部分+否定附加疑You're going to the gym with me, 问部分 aren't you? It's not a real sport, is it? 否定式陈述部分+肯定附加疑They can't finish it by Friday, can 问部分 they? Nobody saw him walk into the room, did they? 含有否定词的陈述部分+肯定You've never been to Paris, have 附加疑问部分 you? Come along with me, will 祈使句+附加疑问部分 you?/can you?/won't you?

/can't you?

Don't make any noise, will you?



(1)A:The 29th Olympic Games were held in Beijing, weren't they? B:Yes, they were.(Yes, that's right.)

(2)A:Michael Jordan started to play basketball in college, didn't he? B:No, he didn't. He first played in a team in senior high school. (3)A:David has been to a boxing match, hasn't he? B:No, he hasn't. He always watches boxing on TV. (4)A:You can't cook, can you?你不会做饭,是吗?

B:Yes, I can. I'm good at cooking.不,我会。我做饭很好。 四、变附加疑问句时应注意的问题 1.当陈述部分含有seldom, hardly, never, rarely, few, little, nowhere, nothing等否定词或半否定词时,简短问句应用肯定句式。

①She seldom goes to the cinema, does she? 她很少去看电影,是吗?

②He has never been to London, has he? 他从没去过伦敦,是吗? 2.当陈述部分中表示否定意义的词为含有im-, in-, dis-, un-等否定前缀或-less等否定后缀的词时,应把陈述部分视为肯定句,简短问句要用否定式。

①He was unsuccessful, wasn't he? 他没成功,是吗?

②Your mother dislikes seeing you with me, doesn't she? 你母亲不喜欢看到你和我在一起,是吗?

3.当陈述部分是“there be+主语+其他”结构时,反意疑问部分要用“be+there”结构。

There are some apples in the box, aren't there? 盒子里有些苹果,是吗? 4.陈述部分为祈使句时

(1)祈使句为肯定形式时,若表示“请求”,简短问句通常用will you;若表示“邀请,劝说”,简短问句用won't you。

①Give me a hand, will you?


②Come to have supper with us this evening, won't you?


(2)祈使句为否定形式时,简短问句通常用will you。 ③Don't make so much noise, will you? 别弄出这么多噪音,好吗?

(3)如果祈使句以let's开头,简短问句用shall we;如果祈使句以let us或let me开头,简短问句用will you。

④Let's try another way, shall we? 我们试试别的方法,好吗?

⑤Let us know your address, will you? 请把你的地址告诉我们,好吗?



①They know that he is from England, don't they? 他们知道他来自英国,是吗? (2)特殊情况:

若陈述部分为:“I/We think/believe/suppose/consider/...+宾语从句”,简短问句的谓语和主语与宾语从句的谓语和主语分别保持一致,且简短问句用否定形式。

②We believe she can do it better, can't she? 我们相信她能做得更好,是吗?

(3)若陈述部分为“I/We don't think/believe/suppose/consider/...+宾语从句”,简短问句的主语和谓语与宾语从句的主语和谓语保持一致,且简短问句用肯定形式。

③I don't think that you can do it, can you? 我认为这件事你做不了,是吗?

④We don't believe that the news is true, is it? 我们认为消息不实,是吗?


⑤They all think that English is very useful, don't they? 他们都认为英语很重要,是吗?

⑥He doesn't think that I can make it, does he? 他认为我办不到,是吗? 五、附加疑问句的读法


但含义有所不同。通常情况下,用升调时,多表示疑问或请求;用降调时,多表示求证或希望对方同意。如: The school team have won the gold medal 加附加疑问句 1.Father:Are you free at the weekend, my dear daughter? Mary:Yes. What are you going to do? Father:Let's watch the film The Day After Tomorrow, shall we? Mary:Good idea. 2.A:So you have never worked out in a gym before, have you? B:No, I haven't. 3.You don't take part in a marathon when you are ill, do you? 4.Henry thinks you are cheating your friends, doesn't he? 5.Mary never does harm to others, does she? 6.Your sister has gone to the post office, hasn't she? 7.You didn't finish your homework on time, did you? 8.A:You won't listen to him, will you? B:No, I won't. I don't think he is right. 9.We forgot to bring our tickets, but let us enter, please, will_you? 10.A:Jenny doesn't think the sweater is very expensive, does_she? B:I'm afraid not. 11.I told them not everybody could run as fast as you did, didn't_I? 12.He wasn't late for class, was_he? 13.He couldn't finish the work ahead of time, could_he? 14.There are some fallen leaves on the ground, aren't_there? 15.John, please pick up the book on the floor, will_you? 16.Let's have a good rest, shall_we? 17.Your mother is very unhappy now, isn't_she? 18.He never tell a lie, does_he?



