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1. A lot of stude nts are havi ng all kinds of sports on the sports field. A football game is going on right now 1 Class 3 and Class 4. We don't know which team will 2 . Look at those people over there! Some stude nts of Class 1 are practici ng the high jump. One of them is the best high jumper in the school. 3 practices hard every day. Many people think he will 4 the school record in the sports meet next spri ng. Not far away from them, some girls are 5 for a race. They will have a 600-meter race in ten minu tes. Now on the corner of the field, you can see another group of students. Their teacher is telling them 6 to throw the discus ( 铁饼).

In schools, more and more students love 7 now. Sports help people to keep 8 help people to live 9 . They also . And after doing sports on the sports field, many people will 10 good frien ds, too. Do you think so? 1. A.in B.betwee n C.from D.of 2. A.wi n B.beat C.fall D.lose 3. A.We B.They C.He D.She 4. A.break B.turn C.l eave D.n ame

5. A .l earni ng B.check ing C.feeli ng D.prepari ng 6. A.what B.how C.which D.that 7. A.games B.shows C.music D.sports 8. A .n ervous B.tired C.healthy D.sleepy 9. A.loudly B.carefully C.happily D.sadly 10. A.become B.cha nge C.get D.bri ng 2.ln some scienee fiction movies (

科幻片),people in the future have their own

robots. These robots are just like huma ns. They help with the housework and do the most un pleasa nt jobs. Some scie ntists 1 that there will be such robots in the future. However, they agree it may take hun dreds of years. Scie ntists are now tryi ng to make robots look like people and do the 2 things as us. ____ Japa nese compa nies have already made robots walk and dance. This kind of robot will also be fun to watch. But robot scie ntist James White disagrees. He thinks that it will be 3 for a robot to do the same things as a pers on. For example, it ' s easy for a child to 4 and kno

w where he or she is. Mr. White

thinks that robots won ' t be able to do this. But other scientists disagree. They think that robots will be able to talk to people 5 25 to 50 year _____ Robot scie ntists are not just trying to make robots look like people. For example, there are already robots 6 in factories. These robots look more 1 / 11


like huge arms. They do simple jobs over and over aga in. People would not like

to do such jobs and would get bored. But robots will 7 get bored. In the future, there will be more robots everywhere, and huma ns will have 8 work to do. New robots will have many differe nt 9 Some will look like huma ns, and others might look like 10 After an earthquake, a snake robot could help look for people un der build in gs. That may not seem possible now, but computers, space rockets and eve n electric toothbrushes seemed impossible a hun dred years ago. We n ever know what will happe n in the future!

1. A. believe 2. A. differe nt 3. A. easy 4. A. look up 5. A. after 6. A. study ing 7. A. ofte n 8. A. less 9. A. n ames

B. decide B. bori ng B. possible B. wake up B. before B. worki ng B. ever B. more B. colors B.snakes

C. won der C. same C. excit ing C. turn up C. about C. maki ng C. never C. fewer C. sizes C. mon sters

D. share

D. Dan


D. hard D. put up D. i n D. playi ng D. always D. worse D.shapes D. spiders

10.A. turtles

3.Emma was hanging the colorful papers, not really pay ing atte nti on to where she was placi ng them. She was a little un happy. 1 birthday too and

no one in her class had eve n said happy birthday. They were all busy pla nning the surprise 2 for their head teacher Mr. Smith. Sure Mr. Smith was 3 .He knew every one ' s birthday and made cards for , it was her them. He high-fived you whe n you got an A on a test, and 4 you when you failed. Emma knew Mr. Smith deserved ( 值得) a surprise party. 5 she wished just one pers on could remember it was her birthday too!

Emma had a quick look at the huge card the class had made. It was as long as the blackboard. She knew Mr. Smith would be un happy if they 6 him _____________ prese nts. So she suggested the class make a card just like he did for them. \call Mr. Smith now. ” Ms. Clark called Mr. Smith, saying the lights in the 8 had gone out. As soon as Ms. Clark fini shed the call, Emma looked around the classroom 9 with a sigh ( lights off.

The door ope ned and every one shouted, \

10 r 叹气)for another time and turned the

“I ' m going to

2 / 11


\Mr. Smith asked.

' ve ever

He walked over the huge card. \12 But it makes my birthday card kind of 13 .\Emma and handed her the c ard. \' m excited that we share the same 上 ____________________ \

“Me, too. ” Emma said, 15 at Mr. Smith. “Happy birthday, Emma! ” her classmates cheered. 1.A. After all B. .By the way C. First of all 2.A.talk 3.A. healthy 4.A.tha nked 5.A.A nd 6.A.showed 7.A. TV

B.l ess on C.party B.humorous C.ha ndsome B.praised B.But B.made B. fan

C.left C.Or C.le nt

D. For example D.trip D.great D.en couraged D.So

D.bought D.computers D.yard D.surely D.Goodbye D.us D.see n D.lo ng D.dream D.wavi ng


C. lights

C.library C.slowly

8.A.classroom B.gym 9.A.a ngrily 10.A. Welcome 11.A.me 12.A.posted 13.A.expe nsive 14.A.birthday 15.A.rush ing


B.Surprise C.Morni ng B.her


B.ordered C.made B.old

C.small C.card


B.smili ng C.poi nti ng

4.Mother is the greatest pers on in the world. A good mother will do 1 to protect her child. Here is a test for one mother, Frieda Lnych, and her 2 son, Myron. The Lnych family went for a hike in the forest and enjoyed 3 in the _______________ park. Myron ' s father , Victor, and his brother 4 walking a bit ahead of the boy and his mother, but they both ran back whe n they heard a big scream, a lio n had jumped onto the path, and caught Myron by the head. Frieda was beating the lion with a metal bottle to get it let her son 5 .The lion bit her hands several times. But she did n it ran into the bush.

' t give up. Fin ally,

“We were quite frightened, ” Victor said, “We picked 6 sticks , and I

3 / 11



