【期刊名称】《中国护理管理》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)001
【摘要】Objective: To explore the effects of clinical pathway teaching mode in new nurses' standardized training. Methods: In 2011, new nurses in pilot department of clinical pathway were trained according to the clinical pathway teaching mode. Results: Compared with the traditional model of teaching, new nurses mastered the specialized nursing knowledge in a shorter time; comprehensive evaluation results of new nurses had been improved signiifcantly; the satisfaction of new nurses and the clinical teachers with the clinical teaching mode was also improved (P<0.05). Conclusion: The purpose of quick and standardized training has been achieved. In this way, the teaching quality, enthusiasm and satisfaction of both teachers and new nurses have been improved signiifcantly.%目的:探讨临床路径模式下新护士规范化培训的实践及成效。方法:自2011年起,对我院临床路径试点科室的新护士按照临床路径带教模式进行规范化培训。结果:与传统带教模式相比,新护士掌握专科护理知识所用时间缩短,专科护理综合考核成绩明显提高,新护士对临床带教满意度提高,带教老师对教学模式的满意度提高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:按照临床路径带教模式对新护士进行规范化培训明显提高了带教质量,提高了教学双方的积极性和满意度,达到了快速、规范化培训的目的。