the first computer to computer of “Deep blue” defeating human genius. Now we can see that we should not say “no” in advance for “the battle between human and machine” about 50 years later.
Which we need now is the spirit of innovation, active participation. What we should do is to try our best to improve this process.
It’s easy to see that we should innovate more. It contains outstanding progress of artificial life, energy power, material and so on. And it’s also contains the great break of many sciences about the project of mechanics, electricity, control, information and computer which are related to the robot. We also need the intersection and combination of multi sciences.
It’s the deep meaning of having the research of robot’s football. Although RoboCup is high-tech, only three players’ game, there shows some intricate scene. Such as robot bump the wall, two robots badger with each other, and some robotsare in the daze, don’t concern about ball. People don’t understand why the robots’intelligence is not as good as the children.
That is to say, it is not easy to make robot own the human’s intelligence-sense, thinking, and action, even the three older children. By 2050, scientists want to develop a team of fully autonomous robots, which can win against the human world champion team in soccer. It is a great goal.
7 Conclusions
This thesis discussed some main technologies in MAS and RoboCup. The aim is to let readers know more about Multi Agent System and cause the Agent-oriented technology mature faster.
There are four steps in the development of programming: procedure oriented
Programming, module oriented Programming, object oriented Programming and the last step of Agent oriented Programming. Each process is a more and more abstract procedure,a more and more obscure modeling procedure, till in the end reaches to automatic design of programming. Therefore the emergence of Agent-oriented is inevitable for programming.
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RoboCup is a stage which impulse the research of basic technology in robot.
This work was supported by the Foundation of Doctor Innovation in China under Grant (xm04-35)
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图1 未来的足球对战
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机器人杯的概念是Alan Mackworth在1993年首先提出来的。机器人杯的主要目标是提出一个具有挑战性的研究课题,以便促进机器人学的发展。经过两年的可行性研究,在1995年秋,人们发表了关于引入机器人杯国际研讨会及国际足球赛的通告,现在机器人杯足球赛被分为这几部分比赛:模拟对抗赛(2D模式,3D模式),小型机器人赛(F180),中型机器人赛(F2000),四足机器人赛,类人机器人赛。在1997年7月首次官方会议和比赛在日本举行。一年一次的盛事吸引了许多参赛者和观众。 2.1机器人杯的2D模拟赛
在比赛中并没有实际的机器人,但观众可以通过大屏幕来观看比赛。这看起来有点像一个巨大的电脑游戏。每个模拟机器人可以拥有自己的踢球策略和特点,并且每个模拟足球队实际上由一组程序设计员组成。为使比赛能够顺利完成,许多电脑以网络联接 了起来,比赛共持续10分钟,每个半场5分钟。
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