RoboCup is a Stage which Impulse the Research of Basic Technology in Robot
1 Introduction
RoboCup is an international joint project to promote Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics, and related field. It is an attempt to foster AI and intelligent robotics research by providing a standard problem where wide range of technologies can be integrated and examined. RoboCup chose to use soccer game as a central topic of research, aiming at innovations to be applied for socially significant problems and industries. The ultimate goal of the RoboCup project is by 2050, develop a team of fully autonomous humanoid robots that can win against the human world champion team in soccer (Fig 1).
In order for a robot team to actually perform a soccer game, various technologies must be incorporated including: design principles of autonomous agents, multi-agent collaboration, strategy acquisition, real-time reasoning, robotics, and sensor-fusion.
RoboCup is a task for a team of multiple fast-moving robots under a dynamic environment. RoboCup also offers a software platform for research on the software aspects of RoboCup (Burkhard02).
One of the major applications of RoboCup technologies is a search and rescue in large scale disaster. RoboCup initiated RoboCup rescue project to specifically promote research in
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socially significant issues.
In the next section we will introduce the origin, organization and leagues of RoboCup. Section 3 we will discuss the relative technology in RoboCup.
Figure 1. Soccer racing in the future
2 The Origin, Organization and Leagues of Robocup
The concept of RoboCup was first introduced by professor of Alan Mackworth in 1993. The main goal of RoboCup is to propose a challenged research issue to develop robotic. Following a two-year feasibility study, in August 1995, an announcement was made on the introduction of the first international conferences and footballgames.
Now RoboCup Soccer is divided into the following leagues: Simulation league(2D,3D), Small-size robot league (f-180), Middle-size robot league (f-2000), Fourlegged robot league, Humanoid league. In July 1997, the first official conference and games were held in Japan. The annual events attracted many participants and spectators. 2.1 RoboCup 2D-Simulation League
The RoboCup 2D-simulation league uses a simulator called the Soccer Server to do the
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soccer simulation. The Soccer Server provides a standard platform for research into multiagent systems. The Soccer Server simulates the players, the ball and the field for a 2D soccer match.22 clients (11 for each team) connect to the server, each client controlling a single player. Every 100ms the Soccer Server accepts commands, via socket communication, from each client. The client sends low level commands (dash, turn or kick) to be executed (imperfectly) by the simulated player it is controlling. Clients can only communicate with each other using an unreliable, low bandwidth communication channel built into the Soccer Server. The Soccer Server simulates the (imperfect) sensing of the players, sending an abstracted (objects, e.g. players and ball, with direction, distance and relative velocity) interpretation of field of vision to the clients every 150ms. The field of vision of the clients is limited to only a part of the whole field. The Soccer Server enforces most of the basic rules of (human) soccer including off-sides, corner kicks and goal kicks and simulates some basic limitations on players such as maximum running speed, kicking power and stamina limitations (Bom99).
An extra client on each team can connect as a “coach”, who can see the whole field and send strategic information to clients when the play is stopped, for example for a free-kick. The Soccer Monitor (Fig 2) connects to the Soccer Server as another client and provides a 2D visualization of the game for a human audience. Other clients can connect in the same way to do things like 3D visualization, automated commentary and statistical analysis.
There are no actual robots in this league but spectators can watch the action on a large screen, which looks like a giant computer game. Each simulated robot player may have its own play strategy and characteristic and every simulated team actually consists of a collection of programmers. Many computers are networked together in order for this competition to take place. The games last for about 10 minutes, with each half being 5 minutes duration.
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Figure 2. RoboCup 2D-Simulation league
Figure 3. RoboCup 3D-Simulation league
2. 2 RoboCup 3D-Simulation League
The 3D competition makes use of the simulator that is based on the simulation system introduced at the RoboCup 2003 symposium and the spades simulation middleware system
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introduced at the RoboCup 2002 symposium. It can be downloaded from source forge (Fig 3). One of the goals for future 3D soccer competitions is to have simulated robots with articulated bodies, for example like humanoid robots. Prior to compiling and installing the rcssserver3D, you need to install a few software packages. You can compile and install rcssserver3D in two different ways, a \an additional library (called kerosin), which is useful to visualize objects nicely, especially articulated objects (this are objects consisting of more than one geometry linked with joints). These features are not (yet) required for the soccer simulation. The light installation, which is the default, you get a not so fancy OpenGL visualization. To enable the full installation, pass the \flag to the `configure' shell script. For the generic installation instructions, see the text below the specific instructions here.
Required libraries for the default installation: (1) spades
- working versions: 1.0, older versions may also work; - get it at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ spades-sim;
- description: agent middleware, handles timing issues and networking; - additional info: you need a recent version of expat for spades. (2) ruby
- working versions: 1.8.0 or newer; - get it at: http://www.ruby-lang.org/; - description: scripting language;
- additional info: if you compile ruby yourself, configure with enable-shared. (3) boost
- working versions: 1.30.2, 1.31.0;
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