Recycle 2
1.能够听懂并理解Let’s read部分的对话内容并能熟练、流利朗读。 2.能用“can句型”表达自己会做什么的句子。 3.能够用英语书写简单的请柬。 二、教学难点
学生能够书写英语请柬。 三、课前准备
2.教师准备的学生一年级时的全体照片。 3.教师事先准备好的一份大的英语请柬。
4.教师事先准备好的发给每位学生一张的写请柬的纸张。 四、教学过程
1.Warm up (热身) 活动一:Sing a song 教学参考时间:1分钟
教师播放Recycle 1的歌曲《I Went on a Holiday》, 学生边拍手边唱歌。 2.Preview (预习) 活动二:Let’s talk
(1)教师出示同学在一年级时的全体照,提问: “Who is he/she?”
(2)教师问该同学 “Is this you? How old were you at that time? And how old are you now?” (3)教师总结:Oh, you are eleven/twelve years now. Time passes so quickly! You’re going to leave me. I’m so sad. This is the last term in our school. I hope you can enjoy your school life of the last term. I will miss you all. I think you will miss your teachers, friends too. And you must have something to tell them, so we’ll have a farewell party. Are you happy? 3.Presentation (新课呈现) 活动三:I can ….
(1)教师说:We’re going to have a farewell party soon. What should we prepare for our party? What can you do at the party?
(2)T: What should we bring for our party? S: food, drink, gifts and so on.
(3)T: What should we perform at our party? What can you do at the party?
S: I can sing, I will sing a song for you. / I can dance, I will dance at the party. / I can play electronic organ.
教师启发学生用I can 句型说出更多的句子以及自己想要表演的节目。 (4)同时教师要将准备好的单词卡、短语卡、依次呈现让学生边说边练。 活动四:Let’s read 教学参考时间:7-8分钟 (1)教师接下来说:“Zhang Peng and Mike’s class is going to have a farewell party, too. Let’
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s listen to the tape and find out what they will do at the party? What will they perform at the party? Let’s listen to the dialogue.
(2)听完一遍录音后,教师提出问题:When will the party be having? What can Zhang Peng do? What can Mike do?
What can the teacher do?
(3)学生跟读Let’s read 部分录音,分角色朗读课文。
(4)教师可要求学生根据自己的实际情况,对对话内容进行替换练习。 活动五:Tick or cross 教学参考时间:7-8分钟
(1)教师说: “We can do a lot of things at the party. And we are all accomplished. I think our farewell party must be an excellent one. Do you think so? Now, boys and girls, who will come to our party? Whom do you want to invite to our party? I will listen to yours. You can invite your teachers, your father and your mother. But what should we do next? 教师引导学生说出要写请柬给这些人。
(2)教师说:What should we write in the invitation?
引导学生说出请柬的内容:who, time, content, place and so on.
(4)请同学打开书,自己朗读Read and tick or cross部分,完成下面的练习题。教师指导学生完成。
4.Let’s play (趣味操练) 活动六:I am the host. 教学参考时间:7-8分钟
(1)教师说:I know whom you want to invite to our party. Now you will write an invitation to them, tell them you want him or her to come to our party. I want to know whose invitation is the best one?
(3)教师指导学生完成请柬内容的书写,涂色及其他修饰物可在课后完成。 (4)教师说明要进行请柬的展示,请同学认真、用心完成。 5. Consolidation and extension (巩固和延伸) 活动七:Guess the riddles 教学参考时间:2-3分钟
(1)完成活动手册P45“Guess the riddles”部分。让学生读出句子,在表格的第一列填写答案,并使用英汉词典查处音标和中文意思,填写在表格的后两列中。
(3)查单词的任务可以留给学生作为家庭作业。 活动八:Listen and write 教学参考时间:2-3分钟
(1)完成活动手册P41 练习1:学生听录音完成 Listen and write。 (2)两个人互相订正检查。
(3)请学生读一读Listen and write的对话。
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活动九:Brief summary 教学参考时间:1-2分钟
(2)教师总结:… can do …. 表示某人可以,有能力做某事。 (3)写请柬时应写清人物、时间、地点、内容等事情。 6. 板书 第二课时 一、教学重点
1.能够用there be句型来描述会场情景。
2.能够听懂Listen and write部分内容,并正确填写所缺内容。 3.学生能够根据Listen and write部分自己创作新内容。 二、教学难点
1.用there be句型描述会场。
2.能够跟读、试读Pronunciation部分的绕口令。 三、课前准备
教师准备Group and write部分和五年级上册第五、六单元主情景图的教学挂图。 教学课件。 四、教学过程
1.Warm up (热身) 活动一:Listen and point 教学参考时间:1-2分钟
教师:There are many things in our class. Now I say, you point as quickly as you can. Now, try to answer
Is there a … in our class? Are there any … in our class? 教师根据教室中的一些物品,在学生完成该活动后,引导学生用“Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.”表达。
活动二:Look and Say 教学参考时间:2-3分钟
教师出示五年级上册第五或第六单元的主情景图,提示学生用“there be”句型描述主情景图中的场景。
2.Preview (预习) 活动二:Tick or cross 教学参考时间:3-4分钟 教师检查上节课留的作业,并从中挑选出一部分同学制作的英语请柬,请制作者上讲台朗读请柬内容。
教师根据请柬内容说几个句子请学生判断正误。如:The farewell party will be at 7:00 p.m. The party will be at a classroom. 学生迅速做手势说:”That’s right!” 或”That’s wrong!” 教师也可以就学生朗读内容提出问题,让学生回答,如:When will the farewell party begin? Who will take part in the party? 活动三:Test your memory 教学参考时间:3-4分钟
教师出示Group and write部分的主题图,也可把此幅图制作成课件形式。
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2013年人教PEP版英语六年级下册:Recycle 2 教案(共6课时)