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低电压穿越(LVRT)要求及测试 - 图文

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LVRT field testing of Wind Turbines 风电机组低电压穿越现场测试

Schematic equivalent circuit等效电路示意图

??Principle of LVRT testing consist of use of small-size powerlaboratory??采用小功率实验室的LVRT测试原理

àTesting of LVRT developed in 2003 by FGH e.V. for 2 MW wind turbinesà2003年FGH开发的用于2MW风电机组的LVRT测试系统

Current limitingreactor X1限流电抗器X120 kV busbar20kV母线Representing the impedance of the

wind farm transformer代表风电场变压器阻抗

Short-circuit power > than 3 times WT power


X/R > 3

Variable reactor X2可变电抗器X2Reactor X3电抗器X3WTControlled circuit-breaker可控断路器Reactance dependingon voltage collapse


Reactance of the WT transformer风电机组变压器电抗


LVRT Workshop Beijing 06./07. January 2009Weck: LVRT requirements and testing

LVRT testing of Wind Turbines风电机组LVRT测试

First LVRT test worldwide at a 2 MW wind turbine in 2003

2003年在一台容量为2 MW 风电机组上进行的全世界第一次LVRT测试

FGH 6 m container(FGH 6m 集装箱)

Three-phase circuit with含以下部分的三相电路

Current limiting reactance限流电抗Short-circuit reactance for voltage collapse of 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%电压跌落25%, 50%, 75% 及100%时使用的短路电抗

Controlled switching circuit breaker可控切换用断路器

Instrument transformers for all voltages and currents

电压互感器和电流互感器Measuring equipment by WindtestWindtest的测量设备

Enercon E-66, 2 MW


LVRT Workshop Beijing 06./07. January 2009Weck: LVRT requirements and testing

LVRT testing of Wind Turbines风电机组LVRT测试

First LVRT test worldwide at a 2 MW wind turbine in 2003

2003年在一台容量为2 MW 风电机组上进行的全世界第一次LVRT测试

Fault clearing transient

故障清除瞬间0,2 s

Three-phase voltage at the WT

风电机组三相电压Fault duration 1,5 sVoltage collapse 75%故障持续1.5s电压跌落75%Three-phase current from the WT


Scope of verification验证范围:

Three-phase system faults and single two-phase system faults三相故障和单次两相故障Voltage collapse:25%, duration5,0 s持续5.0 s电压跌落50%, duration2,5 s 持续2.5s

75%, duration1,5 s持续1.5s100%, duration 0,5 s 持续0.5s


LVRT Workshop Beijing 06./07. January 2009Weck: LVRT requirements and testing

LVRT test equipment today现今LVRT测试设备

2 containers with 12 m length each for WT testing up to 8 MW, 30kV

最高达8 MW、30 kV的风电机组测试用的2个集装箱(每个12m长)


LVRT Workshop Beijing 06./07. January 2009Weck: LVRT requirements and testing

LVRT test equipment today现今LVRT测试设备

Reactances X1 and X2 for WT testing up to 8 MW, 30 kV最高达8 MW, 30 kV的风电机组测试用电抗X1 和X2


LVRT Workshop Beijing 06./07. January 2009Weck: LVRT requirements and testing

低电压穿越(LVRT)要求及测试 - 图文


