First LVRT requirement worldwide全世界第一个LVRT要求
E.ONGrid CodeE.ON并网导则2003
Operation of high-voltage protection高压保护动作
Highest operating voltage 最高运行电压
Lowest operating voltage最低运行电压
Operation of low-voltage protection低压保护动作
Instant of three-phase fault瞬时三相故障
Worldwide first Low-voltage ride through requirement of the TSO E.ON Net in 20032003年输电系统运营商E.ON Net 提出的全世界第一个低电压穿越的要求
LVRT Workshop Beijing 06./07. January 2009Weck: LVRT requirements and testing
German Grid Code today现今德国并网导则
TransmissionCode 2007 –Low-voltage ride through (LVRT)输电导则2007
??Requirement valid for all generating plants of type 2
Highest voltage value??对所有2类发电厂,本要求
均有效Phase-to-phase 线电压Limit界限2
U/Un??Above limit 1界限1上方
Range for system automatic
??No diconnectionpermitted
??Above limit 2界限2上方
??On agreement with the TSO??与TSO达成协议
??In Range system automatic??系统自动运行范围内
??Disconnection at different times, when reactive power is consumed
LVRT Workshop Beijing 06./07. January 2009Weck: LVRT requirements and testing
LVRT requirements低电压穿越要求
Three-phase faults in the sub-transmission system 110 kV110kV次输电系统发生三相故障
Transformerstation变电站Meshed sub-transmissionsystem, e.g. 110 kV网状次输电系统,比如110 kVTransformerstation变电站Transmission system, e.g. 400 kV输电系统,比如400 kVTransmission system, e.g. 400 kV输电系统,比如400 kV
Wind farm风电场Circuit breaker断路器
LVRT Workshop Beijing 06./07. January 2009Weck: LVRT requirements and testing
LVRT requirements低电压穿越要求
Three-phase faults in the sub-transmission system 110 kV110kV次输电系统发生三相故障
Transformerstation变电站Three-phase fault三相故障Transformerstation变电站Wind farm风电场Substation变电站Circuit breaker closed断路器闭合Circuit breaker open断路器断开18
LVRT Workshop Beijing 06./07. January 2009Weck: LVRT requirements and testing
LVRT requirements低电压穿越要求
Three-phase faults in the sub-transmission system 110 kV110kV次输电系统发生三相故障
Operation of high-voltage protection
Rms value of the voltage at the wind farm风电场电压有效值Sucessfulfault clearing故障成功清除Unsucessfulfault clearing故障清除失败Operation of low-voltage protection低压保护动作Instant of three-phase fault瞬时三相故障
Shape of the voltage (rms values) at the wind farm during a distant three-phase fault in thesubtransmission system
LVRT Workshop Beijing 06./07. January 2009Weck: LVRT requirements and testing
低电压穿越(LVRT)要求及测试 - 图文