Power generation of Wind Turbines -State 20012001年风电状况
Skv≈10000 MVAGSkv≈1500 MVAGSkv≈200 MVAWT??Wind power share < 5%
Transmission输电网??风电比例< 5%UCTE 400 kV
??Connection to distribution
??接入配电网110/132 kV
??Load-flow in transmission and Industry工业
sub-transmission not
Small Industry小工业??输电网及次输电网的潮流不受
??Wind power not necessary for power supply reliability
400 V
Skv≈10 MVAHouseholds居民区
??Additive powerregneration
LVRT Workshop Beijing 06./07. January 2009Weck: LVRT requirements and testing
Power generation of Wind Turbines -State 2001
??Grid Codes exclusively for private power generation??并网导则仅适用于私有发电
??Codes not applicable to generation of public power supply companies??导则不适用于公共供电公司
Grid Codes 1 to 4 for Distribution Systems配电网并网导则1至4
??First federal laws for renewable energy generation (EEG) and combined heat-electricity generation (BHKW) published by the Federal Government of Germany
??由德国联邦政府颁布的第一部关于可再生能源发电(EEG) 和热电联产(BHKW) 的联邦法律
??Fixed balance for power generation using renewable energy resources Wind, Water, Biomass and Biogas, Photovoltaic
??可再生能源发电如风电、水电、生物质能和沼气、光伏采用固定上网电价??Priviledged grid connection of power plants发电厂优先接入电网
??Main concern of public power supply companies:??公共供电公司关心的主要问题:
Voltage quality disturbances电压质量扰动
Performance of private generation plant during power system disturbances due to faults故障造成电力系统扰动期间私营发电厂的特性
Grid Codes 1 to 4 concentrated on these 2 subjects并网导则1至4主要集中在这两个方面
LVRT Workshop Beijing 06./07. January 2009Weck: LVRT requirements and testing
Grid Codes 1 to 4 for Distribution Systems配电系统并网导则1至4
??Wind turbine techniques up to 2001至2001年的风电机组技术
??Directly coupled asynchronous generators直接接入电网的异步发电机??Double-fed asynchronous generators双馈异步发电机??Full-power frequency converters全功率变频器
Performance during system faults系统故障期间特性
??Short-circuit currents small and of short duration??短路电流小且持续时间短
Usual protection by overcurrent relays not effective
常规的过流保护不起作用 Protection during faults by voltage and frequency variation故障期间根据电压和频率变化进行保护
??Basic requirement in Grid Codes fast disconnection at system faults??并网导则关于系统故障时快速脱网基本要求
Low-voltage protection低压保护:0,8UnHigh-voltage protection高压保护:1,06UnLow-frequency protection低频保护:49HzHigh-frequency protection高频保护:51Hz
??Fast disconnection prior to reclosing after faults required??要求风电机组在故障后重合闸之前快速切除
LVRT Workshop Beijing 06./07. January 2009Weck: LVRT requirements and testing
History of Grid Codes in Germany since 20032003年后德国并网导则发展历程
Grid Codes Transmission Systems并网导则输电网部分123425000Installed Power in MW200001500010000500001990199219941996199820002002200420062008Year12Grid Codes Distribution Systems并网导则配电网部分8
LVRT Workshop Beijing 06./07. January 2009Weck: LVRT requirements and testing
345Power generation of Wind Turbines since 20032003年后风电状况??Wind power share increased above
GSkv≈10000 MVAWTGSubtransmission
次输电网110/132 kVIndustry工业
Transmission输电网UCTE 400 kV
WT??Locally above 20 %??个别地区超过20%
??WT connection to sub-transmission and transmission frequent
WT??Voltage and load-flow in
Distribution配电网transmission and subtransmission
Small Industry小工业
Low-voltage低压400 V
??Large scale disconnection of WT from the system at system faults leads to
??Sudden large scale loss of power generation
LVRT Workshop Beijing 06./07. January 2009Weck: LVRT requirements and testing