Low-Voltage Ride Through (LVRT)Requirements and Testing低电压穿越(LVRT)要求及测试Dr.-Ing. Karl-Heinz WeckForschungsgemeinschaft für Elektrische Anlagen undStromwirtschafte.V.
Wind power in Germany德国风力发电
??State 30th June 2007??2007年6月30日状况
??Installed: 21,3 GW??装机容量:21.3 GW??Number: 18.700WEA ??台数:18700 台??Generated: 37,5 TWh??发电量:37.5TWh??Energy Share: 6,9%??能源比例:6.9%
LVRT Workshop Beijing 06./07. January 2009
Weck: LVRT requirements and testing
Wind power in Germany德国风力发电Prognosis for 20202020年目标
On land陆上On sea海上
LVRT Workshop Beijing 06./07. January 2009Weck: LVRT requirements and testing
History of Grid Codes in Germany up to 2007德国并网导则发展历程(至2007年)
25000Installed Power in MW200001500010000500001990199219941996199820002002200420062008Year12Grid Codes Distribution Systems并网导则配电网部分3
LVRT Workshop Beijing 06./07. January 2009Weck: LVRT requirements and testing
345Installed Power in Germany德国装机容量
Installed Power Year 年份 装机容量 Total总计 GW Installed Power 装机容量 Wind energy 风能 GW 2000 123 6 (4,9%) 2007 125 22 (17,6%) 4
LVRT Workshop Beijing 06./07. January 2009Weck: LVRT requirements and testing
低电压穿越(LVRT)要求及测试 - 图文