【期刊名称】《现代药物与临床》 【年(卷),期】2024(033)001
【摘要】目的 探讨氟哌啶醇所致不良反应(ADR)的发生原因、规律、特点,为临床安全、合理用药提供参照.方法 检索1989年1月—2017年7月中国学术期刊(网络版)、万方数字化期刊全文库、中文科技期刊全文数据库(维普)及PubMed数据库收录的全部中医药期刊,收集报道氟哌啶醇致不良反应的文献进行统计和分析.结果 共检索到94篇文献,122例病例.男性明显多于女性,年龄集中在18~40岁.用药1~7 d出现ADR的例数最多,占45.10%.氟哌啶醇引发的不良反应主要涉及神经系统、心血管系统、皮肤损害,其中神经系统损害的患者63例,占51.6%,所占比例最高.心血管系统和皮肤损害ADR占比分别为14.8%、10.7%.结论 氟哌啶醇引发的不良反应较为常见,临床应重视氟哌啶醇不良反应的危害性,加强药学监护,尽量避免或减少其所致不良反应的发生,确保患者用药安全.%Objective To investigate the reasons, rules, and characteristics of adverse drug reaction (ADR) induced by haloperidol, so as to provide references for clinical safe and rational use of drugs. Methods Chinese Academic Journal (online), Wangfang Database, Chinese Science and Technology Journal Full-text Database (VIP), and PubMed databases were retrieved from January 1989 to July 2017, and the documents of ADR induced by haloperidol were analyzed and discussed. Results A total of 94 literatures with 122 patients were
retrieved. Men with ADR induced by haloperidol were more than women, and the ages of patients were mainly 18 — 40 years old. The most cases (45.1%) occured in the medication during 1 — 7 days. ADR induced by haloperidol mainly occured in nervous system, cardiovascular system, and skin damage, in which nervous system took the most ratios (63 cases, 82.69%). The constituent ratio of cardiovascular system and skin damage were 14.8% and 10.7%, respectively. Conclusion ADR induced by haloperidol is common in clinic. Importance should be attached to the danger of ADR induced by haloperidol and pharmaceutical care should be strengthened, to avoid or reduce the incidence of ADR to ensure medication safety. 【总页数】4页(189-192)
【关键词】氟哌啶醇;不良反应;文献分析 【作者】田丹丽;黄红娜;张建红;朱立勤
【作者单位】天津市第一中心医院,天津 300192;天津市西青医院,天津 300380;天津市第四中心医院,天津 300140;天津市第一中心医院,天津 300192 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】R971 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_drugs-clinic_thesis/0201240409170.html 【相关文献】
1.氟哌啶醇致不良反应的文献分析 [J], 田丹丽; 黄红娜; 张建红; 朱立勤 2.氟哌啶醇致不良反应的文献分析 [J], 田丹丽[1]; 黄红娜[2]; 张建红[3]; 朱立勤[1]
3.口服氟哌啶醇致严重不良反应,静注肌注无反应1例 [J], 王志纲; 富景春; 白永贵
4.氟哌啶醇治疗儿童抽动障碍不良反应20例临床分析 [J], 刘侠 5.氟哌啶醇用于住院精神病患者的不良反应观察与护理 [J], 郭李