confidentiality agreement
第1页 共7页
鉴【 】有限公司(下称“甲方”)与【 】(下称“乙方”)拟就【 】(下称“项目”)业务开展合作为保障甲乙双方商业秘密不受侵害,双方达成如下保密协议,以资共同遵守:
whereas 【】 co., ltd (hereinafter referred to as “party a”) is considering cooperating with【】 (hereinafter referred to as “party b”) for【】 (hereinafter referred to as “the project”).therefore, the parties hereby enter into this confidential agreement as follows for the purpose of safeguarding the business secret of the parties:
第一条 定义
article 1 : definition
information discloser: in this agreement, it means the party who provide confidential information to the other party. 2、信息接受方:在本协议中是指保密信息的接收方。
information receiver: in this agreement, it means the party who receive confidential information from the other party.
第二条 保密信息的组成
article 2: composition of confidential information
confidential information referred in this agreement means any information provided by information discloser to the information receiver which is related to the business or activity of the information discloser or any information that has not been publicized by the information discloser. the information receiver or the personnel of the information receiver shall reasonably deem such information as confidential information disregarding the form in which such information is provided to the information receiver.
第三条 例外 article 3 exception
第2页 共7页
confidential information shall exclude the following information: 1、在信息披露方将信息提供给信息接受方之前,信息接受方已知道的信息;
any information which has been known by the information receiver prior to the provision of said information by the information discloser to the information receiver;
the information already known or used by the public without the receiver breaching this agreement;
the information not limited by the confidentiality requirement which the receiver obtains or receives legally from the third party 4、没有违背协议的情况下信息接受方独立研发获得的信息;
the information that the receiver independently develops without violating the agreement;
第四条 保密义务
article 4 confidential obligation:
1、 双方及其工作人员应对上述所有保密信息进行严格保密;
the parties and the personnel of the parties shall keep the above-mentioned information strictly confidential;
2、 信息接受方应只允许那些有必要了解保密信息并且被告知且同意遵守保密义务的职员和专业顾问获得保密信息;
the information receiver shall only allow the obtaining of the confidential information by the employer and professional adviser who has the necessity to know the confidential information and has been notified and agreed to abide by the confidential obligation;
3、 非经披露方书面同意,信息接受方不能向任何第三方公开、复制、销售、出租、出借、转让、传播、泄露或透露保密信息。信息接受方一旦发生丢失、被盗、烧毁等会引起保密信息泄露或销毁的行为和事故,应承担全部责任;
unless with the written consent of the information discloser, the information receiver cannot publish, copy, sell, rent, transfer, promulgate, let out, disclose or reveal the confidential information. if information receiver encounters loss, theft, damage or any action or accident that may cause the confidential information revealed or damaged, the information receiver shall take all responsibilities;
第3页 共7页
4、 在本协议终止后,双方仍需遵守本协议之保密条款,履行其所承诺的保密义务,直到信息披露方同意其解除此项义务,或事实上不会因信息接受方违反本协议的保密条款而给信息披露方造成任何形式的损害时为止。
after this agreement terminates, the parties shall continue to abide by the confidentiality articles of this agreement and shall perform the confidentiality obligation which the parties have promised, until the information discloser agrees to release the information receiver from such obligation, or in fact the default of the information receiver will not bring any damage in any form to the information discloser.
第五条 公开要求
article 5 requirement of publication
under the circumstances of judicial or governmental organs’ instruction,
requirement or order which requires information receiver to reveal the confidential information, information receiver can disclose confidential information to the abovementioned organs, however, information receiver shall adopt reasonable measures to notify the information discloser to the extent as allowed by law prior to the disclosure of the confidential information so that the information discloser can defend such instructions, requirements or orders.
第六条 信息归还与销毁
article 6 return and destroy of the information 双方同意,发生下列情形之一:
1、 当信息接受方不再需要保密信息用于该工作目的时; 2、 双方未能就本项目达成正式的合作协议时; 3、 双方就本项目签订的正式合作协议履行完毕; 4、 任何时候收到信息披露方书面形式做出要求时; 5、 信息披露方原有保密信息发生变更时;
信息接受方应立即将所有保密信息按信息披露方要求归还给信息披露方,或予以销毁所有信息。 the parties agree, under any of the following situation, information receiver shall immediately return all confidential information to the information discloser in
第4页 共7页