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Rural preschool children education condition analysis
—In HuaiNan XieJiaji area a kindergarten,
for example
Author:Sun Tian Instructor:Zhang Ming
Abstract: Preschool education is the important part in the national education system, Chinese is a very important part of preschool children education career, have a fundamental for children's future life development, the action of founding. However, preschool children in the initial stage of learning the knowledge of knowledge level is very chaotic, so especially attaches great importance to the
development and cultivate their habits of intelligence and during this period. But due to the current level of the various aspects and the city of our country country still there exists a large gap, therefore, in order to further understand the status of the rural preschool education, promote the development of the
preschool education in China, the need for rural preschool children, parents' education level's perception of early childhood education and the government, schools and so on, ? to the attention of the preschool children education problem.
Key words: Preschool children; The rural education policy; Preschool education; The development trend ;Education development