Laundry Service 洗衣服务
I have some shirts that need laundering, and I suit pressed.
’d like my
我有一些衬衫要洗,还有西装要熨。 Please send someone to pick it up. 请你派人来拿吧。
I ’d like to ask the laundry service. 麻烦你替我把衣服拿去洗一下。
The rate chart is contained in the stationery folder in your dresser ’s drawer.
Would you please send someone to Room 511 to pick up laundry for me?
你能派人到 511 房间来把我要洗的衣服拿走吗? I want to have my shirts washed and my overcoat dry-cleaned. When can I have my laundry back?
I ’ll have same -day service then. 那我要当天服务吧。
Do I have to take the clothes to the laundry? 是否需要把衣服拿到洗衣房呢?
I have a silk dress which I don
Will the color run in the wash?
’t think is colorfast.
And the lining of my husband ’s jacket has come
unstitched. It might tear over further while washing.
There is the laundry form as well as a bag in your room. Please fill it out and the maid will come and pick it up.
Usually it takes two days to have laundry done. But you can have express or same-day service.
洗衣通常要 2 天。不过,您能够要快洗服务或当日服务。
What is the difference in price? 价格有什么不同?
We charge 50% more for express, but it only takes 5 hours. 快洗服务要多收 50% 的费用,不过只需要 5 个小时。
And for same-day, will I get the shirt and overcoat back this evening?
Yes, sir.
I will have same-day service then. 那我要当天服务吧。
By the way, a button came off your shirt. Would you like us to sew a new one for you?
Yes. Thank you very much. 好的,非常感谢。