在申请留学及签证的过程中,经常会被要求写学习计划书(study plan),许多留学的朋友往往搞不清楚学习计划书和个人陈述(personal statement)区别和写法,因此结合自己的工作经
验,介绍一下学习计划书的写作。 一般来说学习计划书可以按照提交目的分成两类,既给大使馆申请签证用的,或是给学校申请录取用的。用来申请学校的学习计划从本质上讲和个人陈述是同一类型的文书,关于学校申请类的学习计划书可以参考个人陈述方面的文章,本文主要介绍提交大使馆签证用的学习计划书。欧美国家,特别是移民国家,如澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大等国针对留学生签证的时候往往要求提供学习计划书,通过学习计划书使签证官了解您的背景,选择留学专业
的动机条件,选择该国留学的理由,和清晰的未来 留学时间安排,职业目标和回国理由,配合审核您的其它材料决定是否给您发放留学签
证,因此学习计划书是一份很关键的文件。 总的来说,学习计划书需要包括以下几方面内容: 1、简单说明自己的学习经历,专业背景及工作经历; 2、说明自己进一步求学的动机及为什么选择该国,该大学与该专业; 3、详细的留学时间安排; 4、介绍留学所需资金及来源; 5、对未来职业目标的阐述,留学后回国的理由。 由于使馆的工作人员每天要处理大量的文件,因此学习计划书切不可写的太长,一般不应超过800字,并且说明一个问题最好只用一个段落,段落前加上标题,如 my choice of university of toronto in canada ,my career objective 等,以便使馆的工作人员对您一段内容的中心思想一目了然。您的阐述应该非常清晰易读,不能希望让使馆的工作人员从您
的文字中挖掘您潜在内容。 学习计划书的重点部分是未来的职业计划和留学后回国的理由,通过这一部分来告诉大使馆您到该国留学后,确实能够对您的职业发展有良好的帮助,并且有可信有力的理由学成归国。虽然要求学习计划书的国家往往是移民国家,但是由于您申请签证的理由是留学,因此通过学习计划书一定要消除您任何移民倾向。回国理由要结合您个人的背景经历和家庭情况给出很合理的解释,如一位拥有多年商业经历的经理获得加拿大读商业管理硕士课程录取,那么阐明他的职业目标是回到中国成为一名跨国公司的高级经理人,而他在中国多年积累的客户资源和社交圈是一笔非常宝贵的财富,这就是非常强硬并合理的一条回国理由。特别需要注意的是,学习计划书中关于回国理由等涉及事实论据的地方,不能任意编造,在工作中,
本文作者就遇到过客户因编造事实而被大使馆核查出来并拒签的情况。 study plan模板1 study plan 本人是土木类专业,并修读管理类双学位,去ua读相近专业master,结合ps进行的完
善。 dear sir/ madam, i am looking forward to study in university of alberta in canada this fall. as an essential part of visa application process, i understand that a true study plan
is important for my further success. background my name is***, male, born on *** in***, china. i accepted the offer of admission into the graduate program in civil and environmental engineering at university of alberta. my undergraduate education has laid the groundwork towards the path i now intend to embark on. pursuing dual degrees from seemingly vastly different fields at ** university endowed me with a solid theoretical background in two diverse fields
of engineering and management and placed me in a unique position to appreciate the
importance of management within the construction industry. my choice of studying in canada after a careful and thorough search, i have decided to seek admission to the university of alberta in canada. the graduate program in *** is exactly the correct integration of interests i am searching for. one of the main attractions of the university’s program is not only its solid reputation in the field of engineering but its interdisciplinary nature as well. the prospect of studying ***in a new environment to broaden my horizon is a thrilling one, as it will raise new challenges for me to conquer. a peaceful, civilized and safe country. it is a good chance to receive high quality
education and to experience diverse cultures. my overall educational goal financial support
return to china and career objective a successful overseas returned chinese student is always my aim and motivation.
thank you for your time. yours sincerely,
date: april 6, 2010. signature of applicant _____________________ study plan模板2 study plan
(application of student visa to study in canada) i believe that this study plan, also submitted as an application for a student visa to study in canada’s mount saint vincent university, can provide you with an
outline of my plan for one year of undergraduate study in canada and my subsequent career development in china. i look forward to my application being assessed and approved at your earliest convenience.
personal status
the reasons i wish to study at xxx xxx is a world-famous university with intelligent student and professional staff and faculty, who are devoted to high-quality teaching and management. excellence, innovation and discovery are the characteristics that attract students all over the world to study there. i am so glad to take part in the exchange program between my college and xxx. for me, to study at such a well-know university will provide me a
big step toward my dream.
these are all my reasons why i want to be an exchange student in xxx. my goals during the one year in canada my reasons to return to china after one year as a matter of fact, i am still a student in xxx university for i am an exchange
student. i will go back to china to finish my undergraduate courses. more importantly, i love my family. my parents and relatives are all living in china. i am the only child in my family and they have spent all of their savings on my education. i have the duty to pay back with my achievement and my care for them
in their late years. i don’t want to separate with my parents. and i believe to share
my success with them is one of my greatest happiness in my life. there are sufficient job opportunities after my returning to china. my experience
abroad will offer me more choices in the talent market. thank you for your time. yours sincerely, date signature of applicant
study plan模板3 study plan
(application of student visa to study in *******) i believe that this study plan, submitted as an application for a student visa to study in canada’s university of ********, can provide you with an outline of my plan for two years of graduate study in canada and my subsequent career development in china. i look forward to my application being assessed and approved at your earliest
convenience. personal status: the reasons i wish to study at *****, as a master’s student in the faculty of
applied sciences school of engineering:篇二:英文留学计划书范文 英文留学计划书范文 i am a student, graduated from baoyang middle school, nanning, guangxi autonomous region, in 2006. i am still studying in high school now, because i was not enrolled by the ideal university last year. recently, i have a dream to study abroad. then i search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to new zealand for study. first, new zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world. second, the tuition is lower than other countries’, which i think is mo re reasonable for me. finally, the climate of new zealand is similar with the climate of the south of china. considering above reasons, i told my parents my plan
on going to new zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me. as a girl, i like preschool education since i was young. nowadays, chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to preschool
education. if i study specialized curriculums on preschool education, i will go back china and work hard on
preschool education after leaving college. my plan is as follows: first, i plan to study english in language institute for about a half year in new zealand. then, i will study specialized curriculums on preschool education. 我是江苏省南京市xx中学2006年高中毕业生,由于未被理想大学录取,我一直在xx中学复读。自2007年起,我受同学的影响,产生了出国留学的念头,于是我通过上网了解到去新西兰留学有比较多的优势。首先,新西兰是一个多元文化的国家,具有世界先进的教学水平;第二,留学费用比其他国家较低、较合理;第三,气候也与我国南方差不多。因此,我向父母提出拟到新西兰留学的愿望,得到了父母的支持。因为我是女孩子,从小就喜欢幼儿教育。且现代中国的家长对小孩的教育要求比较高,我如果能到新西兰学习幼儿教育专业
幼儿教育事业上实现我的人生价值。篇三:赴美留学用到的学习计划模板(英文) my study statement my name is xx, a chinese male. i was born on 19xx. from 199x to 199x i studied
xx in xx university ,
and graduated from this university in xx. this institute is an international cooperative school running by china and canada,
all of the courses are taught in english. the school focuses on training students’ practical ability.
during that period of time, i learned a lot and improved a lot, not only about english, but also the knowledge of management. in
october. 2004, i take the ielts exam confidently and got 6.0. i want to study more about business, business management and the real english.
at last i choose britain as the place to continue my study, i think it is one of the best study places
for me. in britain i can learn real english, know more things about the westerns: their
life, their work, their study, etc. the advanced teaching method, the beautiful teaching environment, the
friendly people, the good
teachers. all of these attracted me deeply. one happy thing is i have been received the acceptance letter of xx college. it is one of the famous universities in britain. they prepare students thoroughly, maximize the
potential of every one of the students, helping them to achieve a place at the kind of university which would
be out of reach through
less rigorous preparation. i am very happy to be a student of this university. this school can offer me the education that suit me well. the courses are taught in english, it is a challenge to me but i don’t think it will take me a long time. after all it is
a part of daily life. further more, i can get more exercise, for there are not so many students in every class. and
there are more dedicated and excellent teachers who get along well with students. also the courses i take
will pay more attention
to actively applying. abilities. at last, to study with students from different countries make me quite
excited. these abilities will
help me in my future work and life. one more thing i want to say is that my parents can cover all my expenses in britain. you can see the therefore, i don’t need to worry about the money, i don’t want to do spare-time
job after class, and i will do my best in study courses. one day, after i finish my study, i will go back
to china, contribute myself to my motherland. thank you for your approval on my application. i wish you can offer me an
opportunity to study abroad. - 1- sincerely, applicant: - 2-篇四:英语出国留学学习计划 ××学习计划 第一阶段 英语基础学习时期 学习教材:success pre-intermediate 课时设置:72课时
学习目的:日常口语交流;句子的完整性表达;初步的英语思维建立 学习内容:初中所有基础语法知识;部分高中语法知识 本阶段学员要求:
1.认真完成每节课的家庭作业,保证每节课的课后巩固,以加深对英语熟悉度 2.实际应用每个单元的新单词,短语和句子等,使自己能灵活应用所学到的知识 3.每周三次,每天半个小时练习听力,包括英文歌曲,英语简单对话,英语短片等的
练习,增强对英语的敏感 本阶段学习顾问要求:
1.检查学员每节课的家庭作业完成情况,包括与外教老师的沟通,交流等 2.保证监督学员完成每8个课时一次测评,并及时做出学习内容的调整 3.每周选择一篇日常听力内容,并交予学员完成,并给出相应的听力练习 第二阶段 英语知识应用时期 学习教材:1.success intermediate 2.success upper 课时设置:144课时 学习目的:英语句子的流利表达,能准确地表达自己的想法,观点,有比较成熟的英语
思维 学习内容:高中所有语法知识点,国外文化的学习,阅读范围的拓展 本阶段学员要求:
1.除了家庭作业的完成,每周完成2篇英语课外阅读,阅读材料由学习顾问提供 2.每1-2周完成一个基础语法作业,语法讲解及练习题由学习顾问提供 3.课文中的活用单词,短语,以及课外阅读中的实用短语,句型等进行笔记整理和课
堂的口语应用和练习,包括场景模拟和故事分享等 本阶段学习顾问要求: 1.每周提供2篇英语课外阅读,阅读内容包括各个领域,如国外校园生活,节假日习
俗,社会生活等的讲解和拓展 2.每周提供语法讲解资料和练习资料,并在学员完成作业后,负责解答学员疑惑的知



